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Aunt Mari has a pool and the kids go swimming every day now. I have seen some amazing transformations in my kids and their comfort level in the pool since we got here. The twins will blow bubbles under water and will wear wings on their arms and float, and Wyatt will swim the length of the pool, jump in and go under water, and decided today that the diving board is super fun!
I have been too sick to blog. For 3 days, I have had a cold that is challenging my will to live. Yesterday I was ready to use a drill to relieve the pressure in my head. I couldn't wear my contacts because my eyes hurt so bad from all of the pressure in my sinuses. Today I am feeling marginally better. I can type, but I still haven't taken any pictures since Friday, so this will be a photo-less entry. I drove all three kids BY MYSELF for 7 hours to visit John's parents for the week. We stopped once on the way here for about 30 minutes! I was torturous to say the least, but I was rendered completely useless upon arrival after this cold took over my body. The kids still haven't adjusted to sleeping like human beings since we got here. Wyatt has taken to sleeping on the floor next to my bed all night and Sam and Jonah are apparently taking turns doing wake-up duty on the 230-330 shift. Sammy was up from 130-330 am the first night that we were here and Jonah was up from 230-330 last night. Wyatt gets up around 330 until 6 am and then wakes up Grandma and Grandpa for the day. Good times! We are happy to be her though and looking forward to a fun and exciting week in Coast Guard City, USA!
The boys have a new favorite bath time ritual. We make a horn in each boys hair after their bath while their hair is still wet. It is hilarious. They come walking out of the laundry room sporting a horn with the biggest smile on their face and the other two boys come running over to admire the size of the horn on their head. Wyatt likes it when I say "don't mess up your horn". He usually rubs his head on the floor while I shout "stop you are messing up your horn...oh no!". The little boys rub their hand lightly on their horn and laugh hysterically. I have to get the whole thing on video this week. Too funny!
We are gradually getting everything back in place since the painting project. In the meantime everything is sitting in the den (away from small curious hands) staring at me asking where it belongs. I have a few things that I don't know where they should end up. I think that I want to be really sure that I will like something before I have John poke holes in his new paint job and mess it up. He filled a lot of the holes before painting so that we had all of our options open to us. It may be a while....
I got some cute pictures of Sammy and Wyatt today sharing Sammy's snack this afternoon. Wyatt told me that he didn't want a snack, but that Sammy was really hungry! He kept saying Sammy needs more crackers Mom!
We got home yesterday and checked out the new paint is awesome!!! I can't believe how nice it looks! John also re-arranged the furniture in the family room and it makes the room look nice and open. I may start leaving for the weekend more often!
I had some issues with the internet no post.
I took the boys to a town festival this morning. We saw a craft fair, sidewalk sales, and gave the boys their first taste of ELEPHANT EARS!!! Yummy! It could not have been any hotter though and the heat almost got the best of us all...except that we've got popsicles!
John is starting a new project this weekend. I took the kids to Michigan for the weekend and he is going to cover our walls in Bagel (#6114 Sherwin Williams). I can't wait to see it when we get back!
I took to boys to a friend's house today to play on their new big water slide. I was so fun! The kids had a blast and Wyatt could not get enough of it! (Picture was taken on my cell phone so it's not the best quality!)
Today I got all three boys undressed to swim in their baby pool. I took them out onto the deck while I filled the pool and Wyatt and Sammy went and sat in the pool while it was being filled. Jonah stood on the deck and cried. I assumed that it was because he wanted me to pick him up , because he had been really clingy all day and I carried him around most of the day. After the pool was filled and the other two boys were happily playing and splashing around and Jonah was still crying, I brought him back into the house and looked him over. I checked his mouth to see if maybe he bit his tongue, but he didn't . I looked him all over because he was really upset and finally looked at the bottom of his feet. He had a blister on each foot from standing on the deck because it was so hot it the sun. I put my baby on the deck and he burned the bottoms of both of his feet!!!! Could I feel any worse???? I immediately put his feet in ice water (not fun for either of us) and cooled them off, but now he has a blister on the bottom of each foot. He wouldn't walk without crying for the rest of the night! Poor baby. We gave him Motrin before bed to see if it will help with the swelling, but tomorrow may be rough for him!
Wyatt LOVES to push the boys around on their cars. Sometimes Jonah and Sammy love it and other times they HATE it. Today was a good day!
Picture is not uploading properly, I will try again tomorrow!
This kid always stops whatever he's doing to give us a smile!
Tonight we feed the kids, gave them all baths, and then put them to bed. Then two hours later we woke them all up, loaded them into the truck, and took them to their first firework display ever. We got a great parking spot right near where they were setting the fireworks off and sat in the back of the truck under the cover. It started raining 15 minutes before the fireworks started and we were not sure if they would be canceled, but they managed to put on quite a show. Everyone enjoyed the fireworks. After we got home Wyatt told us that he wants to go see more fireworks tomorrow too!
I had some trouble posting last night, so here it is finally!
Grandpa will be coming home from Alaska tomorrow to celebrate his birthday! We can't wait to hear all about the trip. Grandma and Grandpa sent the boys a postcard from Fairfax, Alaska with a train on the front and Wyatt carries it around and tells us that he wants to go ride on the train with Grandma and Grandpa. Maybe next year buddy! Here are the last of the pictures that I will post from Up North!

Jonah and Samuel turned 18 months old on July 1st! It is bittersweet because I love this age, but I miss the little babies that they were such a short time ago!
We are heading home tomorrow. The storms have moved in tonight so we packed up the truck! It will be a 9 hour trip without stops, so it will take a while. We took some fantastic 18 month pictures of Jonah and Samuel today that I will post when we get home!
We have had the most BEAUTIFUL weather over the past 2 days and we are all loving it! Sadly, the kids are a little young for the lake and still prefer their baby pool, but they are still having fun in the water! We enjoyed some hometown favorites this weekend and took everyone to the parade and 4th of July fair. Today we took the kids to the local craft show too which is always fun. Depending on the weather, we may head back home tomorrow. If it rains we will start driving. I am not looking forward to the trip home or the laundry that will follow, but John has to go back to work sometime!
We had a great 4th of July! I have some really good pictures from today...and some with all of us together too! Unfortunately I am having trouble posting pictures tonight, so I will try again tomorrow! How would I ever live with dial-up again?
We were lucky to enjoy some fireworks tonight right next door. That family always puts on quite a firework far the kids have not woke up! Tomorrow we will take the kids to the local parade...which is quite a hometown event! It should be fun!
Although Maggie is almost 7 years old, you would swear that she is a puppy when we are on Drummond Island! She sleeps under John's bed (which would never happen at home) and first thing in the morning when she wakes up, she runs down to the lake for a quick swim. She rarely has time to dry off during the day before she cools off again. She gets to chase deer almost every day and her ball is usually in her mouth or somewhere right nearby. John takes her fishing in the boat almost every day and gives her rides in the golf cart whenever she is in the mood. I think that Maggie has lost about 10 pounds since we got here already! Today she brought a bone, complete with a spinal cord, out from the woods to chew on...she was so proud! If I didn't know better, I would swear that she goes to bed each night with a big smile on her face!
Here are the top five signs that everyone is having a good time on vacation:
1. Bed time is getting earlier and earlier every day (even for the adults)
2. Wake up is getting later and later every day (especially for the adults)
3. Nobody can remember what day of the week it is
4. Everyone is famished by dinner time
5. We are all sunburned and covered in bug bites