Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Big Shoal Beach
We all went to Big Shoal Beach this morning. It is on the south side of the island overlooking a sand filled bay. There are tons of rocks and sand and a fresh water stream right on the beach. It was windy, but the kids had fun digging and building all over the beach. We were the only ones there so it was nice and private. I love having such a neat place all to ourselves!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
You Never Forget

Rock Hunting
We finally got some warm weather the past few days. It has been so nice to spend time down by the lake swimming and playing by the water. The sandy beach on the right side of our little island is ok, but there is still a big step down into the water and Shane has trouble maneuvering himself there. Yesterday we took a little rubber row raft and filled it up with lake water right next to the edge of the lake and gave Shane a few toys and he played there for a couple of hours and really enjoyed himself.
The other boys jumped on and off the rafts and threw buckets of dirt and water at each other all afternoon. Then they took a bar of soap that they found in the back of the golfcart and gave each other baths in the lake “just like grandpa”. They had to go underwater to rinse themselves off and at night they insisted that they didn’t need to take a shower because they took a lake bath!
Today John and I took the boys on a boat ride to harbor island to look for pudding stones. They each brought a bucket and walked all over the shoreline. We found a lot of pudding stones in the water just about a foot into the water. Sam was actually the best at finding pudding stones without help. He got so excited every time that he found one and wanted to know if he could bring it home!
When we got home the boys spent a long time washing and scrubbing their rocks clean! I am going to have to come up with some crafts using our pudding stones so that we can continue to funnel that energy into something productive and fun!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Daddy's Here!!!
The thermometer hit 80 degrees today! We spent most of the day down at the lake. It was so nice to swim and enjoy all of the water toys. The kids were exhausted!
In typical Michigan fashion the weather cooled right off and we are sleeping with a nice cool breeze outside. Tomorrow's agenda: Fishing, strawberry picking, butterfly catching, some lake time, and a campfire!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Warmin Up!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Sam is enjoying every single moment on Drummond Island! He absolutely loves waking up here. Yesterday he woke up from his nap and gave me a huge hug and said "I love Up North Mom". It is so much fun watching him having such a great time. Yesterday Sam wanted to go down to the lake and check for turtles. I walked down with him and when we got to the dock Sam looked at a patch of lily pads and said "Mom, look at all of the froggy mats!"
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Drummond island 2011
The kids have checked out the new four wheelers. Grandpa has 2 big ones and a little kid one. The kids took turns riding around the big garage for a long time yesterday and never got bored. They are having fun checking out all of the things to see up here.
So far the weather has been chilly and we have had to wear long pants and sweatshirts every day.
John will be up here at the end of the week and we are really looking forward to seeing daddy! Luckily we are able to webcam with him and can tell him all about our day, so he doesn't feel like he is missing so much! So far our vacation is off to a great start.
Monday, June 13, 2011

We made a trip across Michigan and stopped in lansing to give the kids a little history lesson. This is where'd your daddy and I lived for 10 years. We met in our dorm Holmes hall. See the top floor? We both lived on the 6th floor.
Here is the bike path. We spent a lot of time trying to survive on that bike path... It is not as easy as it looks when there are thousands of kids all trying to get to class at the same time.
Here is the food science building. 10 years later we still can't find a parking space to let you walk in and see it.
Here is the garden where your daddy and I used to go all of the time. We got engaged on that bridge right there thirteen years ago.
When did i get so old? It is truly amazing to see my kids standing right there on that bridge! We would have never imagined how happy we would be together. I hope that my kids have such wonderful memories of their college days someday too!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
The Pick Up Man
Thursday, June 09, 2011
Who Needs a Bed?
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
Power Washing
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Heavy Fish
Sam worked his little butt off and carried the salmon across the yard to put into the cooler. He sweated and grunted and used up every ounce of energy he had. Jonah just watched. Then John asked Jonah to help Sam and Jonah went right over to the other side of the yard and dragged the cooler over so that it was right next to the fish.
That story perfectly demonstrates the personalities of Jonah and Sam. Sam is a hard worker, but does not necessarily do things the easy way. Jonah never does more than he needs to and is always looking for ways to simplify things. Together they make a perfect pair.
This video is so funny. I laugh every time that I watch it!