This morning we drove to a blueberry farm to do u-pick blueberries. Our group consisted of Me and Mom and Jackie and Wyatt (Al stayed home with Cameron, Samuel, and Jonah). I remembered to bring my camera along to take pictures, but unfortunately, I didn't remember to put the memory card back into the camera after downloading pictures last night....oh well! Mom and I joked that we brought along one little picker and one little eater.....I am sure that you can figure who was the picker and who was the eater! The funny thing is that when we got in line to weigh the berries I was turned around and didn't notice that Wyatt was helping himself to the berries in the bucket of the lady in line behind us (which was an almost full 5 gallon she had clearly been picking forever)! Fortunately, she said that she remembered what it was like to be more of an eater than a picker since she had 4 kids of her own and laughed about it. We also celebrated Allison's birthday today. Her actual birthday is tomorrow, but we will be going to visit John's parents tomorrow so we wanted to have the birthday dinner and cake tonight and do gifts tomorrow. Jackie and Wyatt did some gymnastics for us and we enjoyed a great meal, great company, and a great ice cream cake from Dairy Queen!

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