I lost my good hairbrush somewhere in the truck last week. I can't remember how it ended up in the truck (possibly hidden in something by Wyatt) but I noticed it when I was driving and I looked in the rear view mirror and saw Wyatt brushing Sammy's hair from his car seat. I recall confiscating the brush and putting it somewhere really safe, but not a clue where that was 2 hours later after the kids and supplies were unloaded from the truck. I looked for it quickly again this morning as I was loading the kids up to take them to the Children's Museum in downtown Pittsburgh, but to no avail. Forever lost I thought. We spent all morning and a bit of the afternoon at the museum and then I got ready to load the kids into their car seats and low and behold I spotted my lost hairbrush. Here's the great part.....it was sitting face up in Jonah's car seat. Apparently he had rode all the way to the museum atop a hairbrush bristles pointed up and never made a peep (in hindsight he did squirm a little when I struggled to strap him in to his car seat which seemed a little tighter than usual....) and pleasantly chatted and gurgled for 30 minutes while I drove along. In the true problem-solving tradition, today we initiated a new tradition called "Booty Call" at the beginning of each trip! So much for the Mom of the Year award!
These pictures are of Wyatt and my friend Carrie's little girl, Lauren, playing with a HUGE Light Brite today at the museum. They loved it!
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