The Annual Family Party for the Mothers of Multiples was today. I worked with one other girl and we were in charge of the whole party (except we got some help today from a friend of mine who was awesome). We hired Santa, rented a hall, ordered food and cakes, planned crafts, and got presents for all 99 PEOPLE that RSVP’d! It was a lot of fun and a huge success in my opinion. I got several comments from kids and parents alike about how this was “the BEST party ever”, which left me feeling very satisfied with all of my planning efforts. I think, though, that some of the credit should go to Wyatt. He helped end the party with a big surprise when he pulled the fire alarm and the fire truck showed up! The firemen were very thoughtful and let all of the kids get on the truck and look around (after they realized it was a false alarm) which was the perfect ending to the perfect Christmas party don’t you think?

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