My most brilliant moments happen in the shower! I come up with fantastic new ideas and inventions, better ways of doing something, and tons of things that I should work on all while I am showering. My theory is this...During the day most of my thoughts are consumed by the kids and what they are doing or eating, do they need to be changed, did they wake up, and other fun stimulating exchanges with myself. If, by a miracle, I get a moment of silence during the day to entertain a thought of my own, then I am usually thinking "why is it so quiet in here?, where are the kids? what are they up to now?"! But, when I am in the shower, my thoughts just flow seamlessly from one complete thought to the next without any interruptions! I am currently trying to figure out how I can capture my thoughts while showering without having John sit in the bathroom like a court reporter and write it all down! I will figure it out sooner or the shower!
p.s. Don't you love how I dressed my kids so that they each represent one of the first three colors in the, orange, yellow? Tomorrow they will be in green, blue, and purple!

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