Wyatt is being treated for strep throat. He has already had 2 doses of antibiotics and is not feeling much better, but maybe tomorrow will be different. It's amazing how fast kids can go from being full of energy with a sparky little personality to being incredibly sick! Even today Wyatt had about 1 hour that he started feeling pretty good, so he spent it running around the house in circles and jumping off of the couch until he felt terrible again. I thought that maybe he would want to be low key and feel good doing something relaxing, but that is not how the almost-three-year-old mind works apparently! The kids all started a spitting contest today until I literally almost had to tape everyone's mouths shut, but that's a whole other story. Also, don't even get me started on the list of things that Wyatt licked today at the doctor's office or I might have an aneurysm (but it ended with him licking the bottom of his shoes after we left the pediatrician's office in front of a policeman)! So we are over here in the hot zone waiting to see what fun disease Wyatt will spread to us all next! Feel free to visit anytime....just don't forget your isolation suits!

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