1. John was in California all week for work (I offered to go in his place...and I was serious!!!)
2. Wyatt got sick (which always seems to happen when John travels)
3. We went to the pediatrician (and probably picked up 25 new viruses)
4. I got a babysitter to go birthday shopping for Wyatt's birthday (nothing like planning ahead!)
5. I called the pediatrician because Wyatt got sicker (and was prepared to cry on the phone just so they would call in a new prescription instead of having me bring all three kids back in by myself....which they did!)
6. John came home (just in time for Wyatt to get better!!!)
7. We bought a minivan (silver Honda Odyssey WITH the DVD and navigation systems....a little tooth pulling required there)
8. I got hit in the minivan (less than 24 hours after purchase while I was sitting in a parking space in Home Depot filling out a bank deposit slip. Luckily there was no damage or I might have gone to jail for the assault that I would have waged against the idiot that backed into me!!!)
9. We completely filled the truck with stuff to sell in the Mothers of Multiples garage sale (We didn't even put a dent in the amount of kid stuff that we own!)
10. I spent Friday night helping set up for the garage sale at the middle school
11. My parents came for a visit
12. We went to a pumpkin patch with tons of kiddie activities (we may have actually arrived before the place opened because we were the only people there, but nobody asked us to leave and the kids loved having the play village and hay maze all to themselves)
13. Wyatt opened birthday presents and had birthday cake
14. John and I went to a huge firework display in downtown Pittsburgh
15. The kids carved pumpkins and played with the new remote controlled car from Grandpa and Grandma
16. We spent this afternoon shopping for, and buying a new mattress for the spare bedroom!
17. Now it's time for SLEEP.......

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