Yes, John was sick and stayed home today! He did watch the twins while I took Wyatt to preschool and ran to the post office, but then he had to go into work for a while to send some e-mails that were of the utmost importance. On the way home from work though he managed to run to the grocery store which was even better than him watching the kids so that I could go! It was still a long day! Sammy appears to feel slightly better today than yesterday, so I have high hopes for tomorrow!
At the end of the day when everyone is tucked into bed these are some of the things that I do EVERY.SINGLE.NIGHT besides the obvious cleaning. I'm starting to think that I am the only one... Let's see.....
1.Tighten all of the cabinet knobs on the kitchen cupboards (yes, daily)
2. Turn off the optional chime buttons on the washer and dryer (again, daily)
3. Check all of the first floor window locks (I usually find at least 2 that are unlocked)
4. Check inside all of the backpacks (all pockets) for hidden or spoiled sippy cups (I always find one)
5. Make sure that the padlocks on the medicine storage boxes are locked (we bought locks with a three number combo instead of a key because Wyatt steals keys and hides them in his room to access things when he is supposed to be asleep. I freaked out earlier this week when I found one unlocked, but it turned out that John didn't close it correctly!)
6. Make sure that the spare bedroom and bathroom is locked upstairs (these are what the stolen keys were used to access in the wee hours of the morning...we lost 1/2 gallon of bubble bath and discovered that Wyatt was secretly pooping in the spare bathroom. We also discovered his large stash of stolen keys!)
7. Check to make sure that the high lock on the front door is locked to prevent a midnight escapee.

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