The biggest threat to Shane's survival are his big brothers. Lately Wyatt has started picking Shane up and carrying him around! Thankfully Shane has pretty much mastered holding his own head up because Wyatt usually grabs him around the waist. Wyatt tries to carry him over to me when Shane is crying or put him in or out of his car seat because "Mom, I'm such a big help aren't I?". Um yeah... not so much! So, now when I hear Shane cry I have to literally drop what I am doing and sprint over to him so that I beat Wyatt to the punch. I am hoping that this is just a phase that will pass soon because I am getting really jumpy. "What's that noise? Is it Shane? Where is he? I gotta go get him NOW! Ohmygosh Where's Wyatt? Is he already in there? Holy crap! Wyatt where are you? Did you open the gate? Wyatt! Wyatt! Wyatt! What? You are in the bathroom pooping. Excellent. I've got Shane now. No need to panic! Breathe...breathe." Repeat 25 times a day and you get a feel for how quickly things can escalate around here! My life is definately not boring these days!

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