If it were legal to put two and three-year-olds to work then we found the perfect job! The boys are blueberry picking machines! They didn't even eat a single berry when we were out picking this morning. Between them the boys picked 28 pounds of blueberries!!!!!! They each got a bucket that holds 7 pounds of blueberries and Kathie and I split a bucket between us. The kids wouldn't let anybody else add blueberries to their own buckets either...they wanted to do it all by themselves. Jonah filled up his bucket first and was mad that he couldn't pick any more so he tried to dump his bucket on the ground so that he could start over! We are in desperate need of some good blueberry recipes....so far we have made muffins, coffee cake, fruit salad, and pie! It was a lot of fun picking today and the kids were tired tonight so I call that a rousing success!

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