We are getting some surprise visitors this weekend. My sister, her husband, and their kids are coming for a quick visit and my parents will be coming too! We will get to meet Lucy for the first time. I haven't told the kids yet because they will ask about it 90 gazillion times until they come, but they will be so excited! We will have a full house this weekend... and I have a feeling that it may be louder than usual!
Potty training boot camp is going ok. Not well. Not bad, but ok.The boys can pee a little bit here and a little bit there, so they pee every time that they walk by the potty and see it. I was spending all of my free time cleaning the potty so I decided to put the potty in time out for 30 minutes or so after each kid goes on it. I will gradually increase the amount of time that the potty is in time out until they can hold it for a couple of hours at a time without needing to pee. It may take a year, but we will get there eventually. I took them to the park today in undies and took a travel potty along so that they could use it as needed and it went fine. Nobody had any accidents at the park. Potty training 2 kids at the same time is a lot more challenging than training 1 kid. I have a lot of sympathy for John and Kate Plus 8 after this phase!
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