Have you heard about the new ipad from Apple? It is a new super iphone type of keyboardless mini computer. It can do everything with the touch of a finger. Sounds amazing huh?
Today I read that the name "ipad" is drawing a lot of criticism because it sounds like some new tech feminine hygiene invention. People are calling it the itampon and asking if you can swim with it! Others asked if women will send their husbands to the store to buy ipads?
The CEO for Apple said that "pad" refers to home...as in "let's go back to my pad." They also said that with the right device the name doesn't matter. They said that you could call it "mangled baby duck" and people would still buy it.
Ok, seriously how dumb does Apple think we are?
Names are a big deal. There are things that I don't buy because I can't pronounce the name. At a restaurant if I am debating between two meals and one has a name that I can't pronounce correctly, I will order the other meal. There are drinks that I know John would drink but he won't order because it's not too cool for a guy to order a "fuzzy navel". When John and I were picking out names for Shane we landed on the name Cooper, but decided that it sounded too much like "pooper" and that was bad!
So, I want to know if Apple has any women working for them? Cuz a chick would definitely have known that the name "ipad" was not-so-good! I can barely type that without laughing! Apple may have just really screwed up this time around.
In my expert female opinion the name for the new ipad should have been ....the idong! Pretty good huh?

this made me laugh out loud!
When we were preggo w/Henry... Patrick had wanted to use a family name for his middle name... His Grandfather's... Lenus... yeah... as in, rhymes with...
Not such a good idea, Sweetheart :)
Jonah is SOOOO John!
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