The birthday boy had a wonderful birthday today!
The best part about being one year old is that we can turn Shane's car seat around and let him face the front of the van! That will probably be a lot more stimulating than staring at the seat for hours on end! He probably has no idea how we get from place to place!
I am excited about turning the car seat because I won't have to continue to toss random questions at the boys because I can't see Shane. "Boys, is Shane asleep?" (I love it when 2 kids say "yes" and the other says "no" all at the same time!) "Boys, did Mommy remember to buckle Shane in?" (2 "no's" and 1 "yes). During particularly crazy days I will ask "Boys, is Shane in the van or did I forget him altogether?" Then all three boys will say "no", and I am left wondering which question they said "no" to?!?!?
The boys were playing on the floor this morning and Shane put some matchbox cars into a bigger dump truck while the big boys watched. Wyatt couldn't take his eyes off of him. Finally Wyatt turned to me and said "Mom, now that Shane is one, he knows how to play!" Too sweet!
Shane is allergic to milk and I had trouble finding a dairy-free cake so I made him a birthday cookie instead. I used Crisco in place of margarine and the resulting cookie was really soft and surprisingly tasty! Everybody wanted seconds...even Shane!
We finished the celebration with a bath, gift opening, and finally bed. I can't believe that the first year is over! It went by so quickly and took me by surprise! It's true what they say.. "The days go by slowly, but the years fly right on by!"
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