When you live in Alaska like we do, you don't let the cold weather bother you! The weather can't stop us from enjoying our favorite outdoor activities!
For example on Monday I took the kids hiking down a trail in the woods through the snow. They didn't run ahead of me and try and get lost either. No, they marched right in front of me down the trail crying and begging to be carried and go home. They fell down and refused to move. I pretended not to hear them, and talked about how wonderful it was to get exercise and look at nature at the same time. Then I threatened to spank everyone and send them to bed if they didn't walk and then we went home. Some day I know that they will say "Mom, remember how you used to take us on hikes through the snow when we were little? That was so fun!". And I will say "That's what Eskimo mothers do."
Today we got the bikes out and went on a little bike ride. The kids are getting better at riding their bikes this year. Wyatt is a speed demon. I am going to look into attaching a shock seat to his bike to reign him in when he gets too far ahead.
Sam likes to crash his bike into stuff on purpose. Then he says "Whoa, big crash!". He drives from one snow drift to another crashing away. I have to keep saying "Sam, look where you are going! Pay attention!". Future Nascar driver maybe?
Jonah is not a biker. Or a hiker. He would still ride in a stroller if I let him. I made him ride his bike today and he cried and cried. Then I had to push him 75% of the time. He crashed 2 times by accident. On a tricycle. In the middle of the road! Geez, I hope that he is book smart!
This week we also ventured out to visit the farmer at the end of the road when he was plowing his field spreading "smelly dirt". He let the kids climb up onto his tractor and pretend to drive. Then he told us that if we come back in the spring he will drive them around the field! The kids were pumped. I already wrote it on the calendar!
Monday was Home Depot Day. We spent the morning at Home Depot riding the display lawn mowers that were just unpacked. Those brand new mowers were just itching to be ridden by three little boys. Thankfully the keys are stored in a separate location or we might have been on the 6 o clock news.
Wyatt wants a John Deere 54 inch deck 7 speed riding mower for Easter in his Easter basket. The boys would like the same. I told them that we will put it on the list and see what happens... cuz you never know. I am sure that the Easter bunny has made some improvements since I was a kid!
I took the kids sledding yesterday. There is a huge hill in the back of our subdivision. Last time we went sledding there it was so deep that nobody could even walk. The snow was up to the kids chests. I ended up carrying them all up the hill and decided that it was too much work so we went home.
Yesterday the snow was only up to the kids ankles. They got up the hill and Wyatt wanted to go first. Let me tell you, when the snow is smashed down and has a hard crust on the top, you go really fast. I mean really fast. You can even shoot right off the bank next to the road and end up underneath your van. That is kinda funny though. We can laugh about that now. Because now we now not to park the van right there anymore. You learn a lot of things sledding with Eskimo Mom.
Tomorrow we may hit one of the local parks and see how hard it is to use the playground equipment in the snow. It will be challenging. It will be kinda of like an olympic event. I am sure that there will be some issues, but we will learn something, and best of all the kids will look back someday and say "Mom, remember how you used to take us to the park in the snow?" And I will say "That's what Eskimo Mothers do boys!"
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