I often joke about how at least half of my job as a mom is to keep my boys from killing themselves and each other. They have the most hair-brained schemes that you can imagine. There are so many times that I walk into a room just before something bad happens!
I will find them about to climb a tower constructed from some books piled on a bucket sitting on a chair. This does not seem remotely dangerous to them.
Or I will find them tying things to the back of their bikes to drag around the driveway. Things like hammers or a big floor jack or even an empty gas can. Cuz you know that's safe.
Then there is the scene that I happened on this week. And I find it truly amazing that my kids are still alive. The boys all got up in the morning and went into Wyatt's room together and shut the door. When I woke up and went into Wyatt's room to check things out Wyatt said "Mom, come in and see this burn!"
I was all "What? Burn? What are you talking about????!?!?!?"
Then he said "Close the door, it has to be dark!"
Naturally, I obliged.
Then, as I stood there in utter shock, Wyatt grabbed the plug for his fan and plugged it into the outlet, but then started wiggling it around really fast so that it made a spark. Then he said" See, it's a burn in there."!
I am not quite sure what I would call this particular skill set, other than dangerous, but it looks like this little guy has the same genetic makeup as his big brothers....holy cow!
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