Yesterday the boys were playing with their cars in the driveway and Shane was watching from his nearby playpen. I ran upstairs to turn the oven on and when I came back down less than 3 minutes later the boys had taken Shane out of the play pen and loaded him into the back of their power wheels jeep. Obviously I completely freaked out and when I got done telling the boys how scary that was and how we never ever pick a baby up like that Wyatt said "But Mom, Shane really wanted to go on a ride with us. He's so happy now look.". And there he was sitting in the back of the power wheels jeep with a huge smile on his face ready to hang with the big guys.
This morning as I was cleaning up the kitchen from breakfast I could hear Wyatt saying "abracadabra" over and over again. Finally I looked around the corner and saw that Wyatt had the ram rod for my smoothie blender and was pointing it at Shane. I asked what he was doing and he said "Mom, this magic wand is not working". I said what is it supposed to do? and he said "Something magic with Shane." It still makes me laugh.....
Wyatt calls his eye ball an "eye drop" as in "Mom, Sam spit right into my eye drop"!
Wyatt also thinks that Shane's soy milk is "soil milk" and comes from the ground!
All of the little language imperfections in my 4 year old will come to an end soon enough and I know that if I don't write them down I will never remember all of the cute little funny things that I listen to every day. As they say... The days go slowly, but the years go fast!
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