I told the kids that we were going to see Santa after they ate breakfast and got dressed this morning. Yipee!
Wyatt said "Mom, are you serious?"
I said "Yes, we are really going to see Santa why?"
Then Wyatt said "Well it's going to be a long trip to the North Pole."
This is the first year that nobody freaked out when they saw Santa.

Shane was curious. Who is this guy anyways? What's up with all of that white hair?

Then poor Santa made the mistake of asking the boys what they wanted for Christmas. And they all started talking at the exact same time! Loud louder and loudest!
Wyatt wants a rainbow and some keys (I am not even kidding on this). If all goes as planned he should be cross dressing by next year and be getting a sex change by age 7!
Sam wants a tractor and a REAL choo choo. Santa is going to fail miserably.
Jonah wants 2 M&M's and 4 lambs and a REAL choo choo. I don't even know what to say about this.

One of my friends said "2 M&M's? Way to set the bar low for Santa! He is going to look like a rock star if he brings the kid a whole bag of M&M's!"
Shane doesn't want anything. But I heard from the big man himself that Shane is getting a stocking full of fruit snacks, so he will be thrilled come fake Christmas morning.
Fake Christmas is exactly a week from today! It's a good thing that Santa is already done shopping and wrapping! He's going to have to spend the rest of the week trying to find a 2 Real choo choo's and a rainbow!
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