I have started researching garden supplies again. I am probably CRAZY to try this again this year after the poison ivy and animals wrecked everything last year.... I know. But if we can figure out how keep it together after having 4 kids in 3 1/2 years then I am optimistic that we can do a simple garden right this time!
The first issue was the fence. It was too short and not flush with the ground. So deer would lean over the top and eat the plants while groundhogs and rabbits would crawl right into the garden through gaps at the bottom of the fence. It was basically the most ineffective garden fence ever. The only things that we kept out of the garden were the kids and Maggie.
So here's what I'm thinking. We need to dig down around the perimeter of the garden and create a layer of cement block or railroad ties. Then the fence can sit flush on top of the cement block/ties. The fence will have to be about 6-8 feet tall to keep deer out. I am still researching fence options...wood, metal, solid or open. I don't know yet??? The fence itself will have to be attached to a frame for sure. If there is any gap between the fence and posts then the animals slip right through. This part of the plan still needs work....
The poison ivy looks like it might be able to be controlled by Brush B Gone. It's an Ortho product that can be sprayed on the ivy. Apparently it has to be used several times if the infestation is bad before it kills for good, but we can do that. We are going to spray the entire green space behind our house for as long as it takes to nail it ALL!
I will be so relieved if we can get rid of the poison ivy! I was SO worried last year about one of the kids wandering into the woods at the back of the yard and getting covered. I am highly sensitive to it and I was concerned that one of the kids might be allergic!
It feels good to have a plan moving forward...even if it is not totally complete yet. I know that we will be more prepared this year than last year. Of course I am sure that other issues will arise with the garden, but at least we got a head start this time!

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