I helped the kids fill out their Valentine cards today. Do you know how painful it is to get three boys to sign their names on more than about two Valentine cards. "Am I done yet?" "I don't want to do this anymore" "Why can't you do this?"
I was having flashbacks to doing my wedding thank you notes.....
Yes Kathie I know that John won a poetry contest, but I haven't seen anything since..... I'm just saying....
Anywho, this year Wyatt signed his cards very quickly without complaining and even wrote his name in the designated box using small neat letters. Then he made little gift bags filled with Nerds and tattoos for his whole class of 10 kids. I gave him all of the materials and he went to town and got it all done on his own. It was much more enjoyable than last year.
It still takes Jonah a while to write his name, so he was a little irritated when I set a stack of 10 cards in front of him and asked him to sign them. But he powered through and finished in about 15 minutes with minor complaining along the way. Then he went to work sticking a lollipop onto each card. Although he might deny it, I am fairly certain that he ended up having fun.
Sam still needs a handwriting assistant. He needs to be reminded of how to start an "S" EVERY time that he writes his name. Back- forward- back. After the "S" he can write the "a" and "m" quickly without help. But sometimes the "M" has 4 or 5 humps in it. And each and every time that he finishes writing his name, Sam holds his paper up and looks at it with complete surprise. I am sure that he is thinking "Hold cow, Did I just do that????" "Wow, amazing!"
Then Sam says "OK, I'm done now." And I have to say "No, actually you have 8 more cards". Then he starts with "Why?" "When am I going to be done?" "I don't want to write my name any more!" until my ears bleed.
All I have to say is that the little girls in Sam's class better appreciate all of the blood, sweat and tears that went into their Valentine's Day cards from him. Somehow I have a feeling that he isn't going to be a love letter writer when he grows up.... I have a feeling that he is going to be more of a love song kind of guy!
Update: OMG I just checked the school closings website and the schools are delayed again 2 hours for the third time this week for COLD weather! Our day is going to be so screwed up! Aggggghhh!
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