We are never at a loss for things to do when we are visiting Grandma Kathie and Grandpa Bill. Yesterday Bill's brother David came over to take us all on a boat ride on his pontoon boat. Even though the kids have been on a pontoon boat before they were too young to remember it, so they were thrilled to be on it for "the first time ever!!!". The boys took turns driving and everybody loved the ride. We even got to see the drawbridge go up to let a huge sailboat through. The kids apparently had no idea that the bridge that we drive over every time that we come into town was a drawbridge. "It does WHAT?" they said "It OPENS up?!?!?!" I guess that we never mentioned it before...
I don't think that I have ever been on the water when the drawbridge opened up either. I have always been on the road and its a totally different experience sitting in traffic waiting for the bridge to open and close than it is on the water side!
I haven't mentioned it yet, but our house sold last weekend! We were so excited and it turned out that John had come to Drummond for the weekend so we were together when we got the offer. It was great! In a perfect twist of fate that I like to call Divine Intervention, there was a house in Appleton that had just gone on the market the week before that we liked in pictures, so I followed John from Drummond to Appleton with all four boys to go to a showing. We loved the house and put an offer on it on Monday and now we have a house to move into before school starts! Yipee! The best feature: 1.65 acres of FLAT yard with a walk-out! Thank you Lord!
Wyatt's favorite feature: his bright pink bedroom! I can't wait to take pictures of him in it to blackmail him with someday! Watch out boy... Mommy's got a file on you!