We drove the golfcart and tried out a new beach at the big resort down the road the other day. We got there at about 9:00 am and were the only ones there. We were there so early that they hadn't had time to grade the beach yet! The tractor pulling the grader turned out to be even more fun than the beach itself! The kids liked making tracks in the perfect new sand with their feet and trucks. It might become our new Friday tradition!
Sam and Jonah have both been introduced to leeches. Sam got done frog hunting the other day and walked up to me COVERED in leeches! I had to conceal my fear and repulsion and act really calm so that he didn't get scared, but I was FREAKING OUT! We got them all off him and I had to hold towels on his legs for at least 15 minutes to get the bleeding to stop! He had one HUGE fat leech right on the top of his foot feeding off that big vein that sticks up! It was so gross! But, Sam didn't care a bit. He wasn't worried or grossed out at all! He just kept saying "Mom, can I go back in the water now?"
We have been spending every afternoon after naps down at the water. We head down around 3pm and usually don't come up until 6pm. The water temperature has warmed up so much since we first got here and now the kids swim all over the place. They jump off their tubes and rafts and swim underwater like it is no big deal. Wyatt asked me why I didn't bring his goggles because he wants to see under the lake. Next year buddy! Even Shane has become really comfortable walking in the water all by himself!
We are still searching for the elusive Cisco fish. We have been out fishing almost every day with the boys. We keep finding packs of boats, but nobody seems to be catching them! Hopefully tomorrow!
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