It has been a while since my last post and so much has been happening around here! I need to document our milestones or they will be gone forever from my memory. My favorite phrase lately is "I used to be smart and be able to remember things...and then I had kids"!
Jonah lost his first tooth last week. He was really thrilled and Sam is incredible jealous. Sam and Shane keep wiggling their teeth to see if any have become loose. I was surprised that he already lost a tooth and he isn't even 5 years old yet, but his teeth came in early just like Wyatt's, so the tooth fairy is armed and ready!
Shane had his first dentist appointment last week. He was so stinking cute sitting up in the big chair all by himself. I can't believe that I actually forgot to take a picture of him!
But here's a cute one of him and Wyatt on a rare morning when only the two of them were home alone with Mommy!
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