Jonah and Samuel got the best birthday surprise this morning...they woke up to snow! We got about 2-3 inches of snow overnight and the boys were thrilled. Can we plow? Can we shovel? Can we build a snowman? Can we build a fort?
Not yet guys!
First we have to go to church...then we have to pick up the cakes from the bakery...then you can play in the snow!
When we got to church we had a bit of a surprise when they told us that it was family Sunday and kids were supposed to attend church with their parents and not go to Sunday school. Hmmmm.... that should be interesting! We weren't prepped for that! It went well despite the change of plans...surprisingly! Except for the part where the offering plates were being passed around and Wyatt "whispered" (which is more like talking in a normal voice with a hiss) "Mom, we're supposed to put money in the bowl...not steal it out like last time right?" That got some interesting looks from the nearby congregation members!
The cakes that I ordered turned out great! It was a big deal because we had to modify from the original design because they couldn't do the designs that the boys picked out on the cake sizes that we ordered and they had specific guidelines and a bunch of other reasons that made us a little skeptical of how the final product would turn out! No worries though the boys were thrilled!
When we got home the boys shoveled the deck, back patio, and driveway for hours! They worked really hard and John and I sat inside reading the Sunday newspaper proud that our boys were trained so well. Then we checked outside and realized they boys had deviated from their original shoveling attack plan and had, in fact, shoveled everything into a big pile in the middle of the driveway instead! I guess that we have some more training ahead...Oh well, they tried!
Then we ate lunch and did the birthday cake celebrations since we had plans to go out to dinner. It was nice to enjoy the cakes so early in the day with the boys before they got too tired out!
Next they opened presents and napped.
Then they hit the snow again! This time they were supposed to remove the big snow pile from the middle of the driveway. Daddy finally got out the four wheeler and helped the boys out. Then he tied their sled on the back of the four wheeler and drove the boys around the house until the snow was gone! The kids were in heaven! (I think that Daddy was kinda in the zone too!)
Finally we packed everyone up and went out for Mexican food. It was a great meal and just before we left we overheard a server tell another table that on Sundays kids eat free! Holy cow... we didn't know that! They were about to lose money on us for sure! We ended up getting 2 kids meals for free and since I have to pack Shane's meal anywhere we go, we only paid for John, me, and 1 kid! Score!
The kids are exhausted and I expect that they will sleep in tomorrow (but I doubt it!). Jonah and Sam are five years old now and I can barely wrap my head around that! When we asked them what their favorite thing about their birthday was they both said "EVERYTHING!"! My thoughts exactly......
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