Sunday, April 29, 2007

Saturday, April 28, 2007


Check out the cheeks on Sammy!

Side view of cheeks

Friday, April 27, 2007

Little Mother

Wyatt loves "helping" with the babies. Let's just say it's a good thing that they are growing quickly! His version of "gentle" and mine are slightly different!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Cutie Pie

How cute is he?!?!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Now You See It, Now You Don't (Edited to add more)

I installed a photo editing program that can work miracles, can you tell which one is the original picture?
Now that Sammy is feeling better, he has started learning a lot of new tricks. Can you believe that he can already climb up the slide and slide down all by himself? It seems like just yesterday he could barely sit up!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

An Ounce of Prevention

The net and posts that Mom and Dad helped us put together was tested out today. The main goal was to stop all of the toys and Maggie balls from rolling into the street. It worked like a dream! Plus it served the added purpose of slowing Wyatt down a little when he made a run for the street. He does understand that he can go around it, but didn't enjoy making the effort! Problem solved. He does, however, think that it is funny to walk up to the net and throw
Maggie's ball over!?!?!?

Monday, April 23, 2007

The Caller

Guess who is learning to use a duck call? Just when I thought that it couldn't get any noisier here with three kids crying......

Sunday, April 22, 2007

78 degrees

Gotta love this weather!

Saturday, April 21, 2007


The boys are in heaven from all of the attention. Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit!

Friday, April 20, 2007


Could I look more overwhelmed? Check out the pile of laundry behind me and the un-cleared dinner table as well! The funny thing is that it actually wasn't a bad night!

Thursday, April 19, 2007


It's 7:30 pm and everyone is in bed for the night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Scab

I can't wait until the scab falls off of Wyatt's head. It is ruining all of my pictures! I guess that I could learn to use Photoshop and brush it out, but lately I don't seem to have time to learn new skills...I am too busy trying to remember how to do the ones I already know!

Trucks and boys

Boy does Wyatt love trucks. Actually he likes two of each for each hand, of course. Today we spent a little time outside and Wyatt loaded up the trunk in his coupe car with rocks. He is the ultimate pickup truck (or any truck for that matter) man just like the Toby Keith song.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Thank God for Chocolate

Some days are more challenging than others........................

Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Scrap

Jonah's official nickname is "Scrappy". It fits him perfectly. Before all of our boys were born and we contemplated different first and middle names for each of them, we always tested out the possible nicknames that went with each name......the good and the bad. Therefore, it is especially funny that both Wyatt and Jonah have nicknames that have absolutely nothing to do with their actual names. Wyatt has always been "pork chop" or "chop" for as long as I can remember (for obvious size reasons) and Jonah was immediately "Scrappy". He was very little but so feisty, like Scrappy
Doo from Scooby Doo. He makes a big statement with a little body! I had a friend (who didn't know Jonah's nickname) tell me that it seems like the youngest children in a family are always "pretty Scrappy". Jonah also talks the most in our house and can already roll over. It seems like he knows that he has to start early if he is going to measure up against his "big brothers" (did I mention that Sam weighs 14 lbs 12 oz at 3 months?!?!). I think that eventually Jonah will learn to love and appreciate his nickname "Scrappy", because we sure do love and appreciate him!!!

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Wyatt and Dave are both going to bed with big headaches tonight! The simple truth is that everyone in our family should be wearing helmets!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Curious Sam Goes to the Doc

We visited the pediatrician yet again this morning (it's a good thing that I like them). Sammy's cold seems to have become worse since last weeks visit to the pediatrician. He has been sick since the end of February and it is getting OLD!!!!!! Last week I took him in because he still has the lingering cough that seems to be worst at night and in the morning. Last week the doctor said that he is over the RSV virus and just needs to loose the cough...he said give it some more time. Yesterday Sam started with the coughing until you vomit stunt again at every feeding and was up almost every hour last night coughing like an old man who is dying from lung cancer. John and I had it! John and I both took him into the doctor this morning and were prepared to stay until they gave us something to help Sam get better. Thankfully, the doctor was on the same page as we were and gave us a nebulizer with albuterol, antibiotics, and an oral steroid to help Sammy get better. Yipee!!!!! He is, as usual, still happy (and cute) as a clam in spite of the coughing fits. John took this picture of Sam this morning while I was giving him a bath.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Birthday Party

Wyatt attended his first birthday party a few weeks ago. It was a party for a little boy in our playgroup that turned three years old. I was a little worried that it would be a bit overwhelming, but it turned out I had nothing to worry about. Someone took this picture of Wyatt at the party and sent it to me. He must have played with this vacuum for about 2 hours......if only he would have that kind of commitment to learning to talk!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The New Lens

It is finally new lens!

About 2 weeks ago the zoom lens on my camera got stuck in one position. I sent it to Nikon (received the insane estimate back from them) and subsequently decided that instead of paying to get it fixed, we would upgrade to a new lens with a LOT more power. I am pretty impressed. These are all taken with the new lens.

Love, love, love, love the dimple
John may have gone a little too far here with the zoom!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Baby Burrito

I love it when Sammy manages to escape the extra-tight burrito with only one arm. I am trying to catch Wyatt on the video camera imitating my wrapping job. It is totally hilarious. He grunts as he tries to swaddle the babies up in the blanket...we can't figure out if the grunting is an imitation of me trying to get them super tight or of the babies grunting as the air escapes their lungs from the extra-tight burrito wrap. Too funny!

I was talking with some of the moms at Bunco about stuff that kids think is funny. Someone told me that they tell this story to their kids (they're 2 and 4) and the kids think that it's hilarious and it just made me laugh.... I hope that my boys will enjoy my kind of humor some day too!

Silly Sally was babysitting and she took the baby out for a walk in the stroller. She stopped to talk to her friend at the top of a hill and accidentally let go of the stroller. It started rolling crazy down the hill, and Sally's friend screamed and the baby started crying. But Silly Sally just laaaughed and laaaughed. She knew there was stop sign at the bottom of the hill!

Monday, April 09, 2007

To nap or not to nap that is the question?

We have been having quite a bit of trouble lately with Wyatt's napping schedule. It seems like he doesn't need to take his first nap as early as he used to do at about 8:30 am, so I have been experimenting with some different options. I tried getting him to take 1 nap which is nearly impossible and extremely painful. It is like pulling teeth to hold him off until 12 noon, but if he takes a nap at 10 or 11 am, then he wants to take another nap at 5 or 5:30 pm. Clearly not ideal as that is when John comes home and we eat dinner. Today I had him take his morning nap at 9:30 am thinking that the second nap would be around 2:30, which was perfect because the speech therapist was coming at 1:30 pm. John came home for lunch and I told him my plan and we enjoyed lunch together. Wyatt got down from his highchair and
played for a while then wanted to eat a little more food, so I gave him some Cheerios. I went into the den to answer the telephone and came out to find this at 1:25!!!!!!

Needless to say we are re-scheduling the speech therapy session!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter

What a difference a year makes. HAPPY EASTER!!!!!