Thursday, May 31, 2007

A Whim

Today I did something on a whim! Being pregnant with twins, moving to a new house, chasing around a toddler, and now caring for 2 babies has not given me many opportunities to do anything on a whim during the past 8 months. Our life can be summarized in one word…..schedule. This is a typical schedule for a weekday at our house……

1. 7:15am- 8:15am Everyone wakes up and eats, burps, and gets changed

2. 8:30- Jonah and Sam take morning nap

3. 8:30-9:30- Wyatt and Maggie go outside with Mom to burn off some energy

4. 9:45 Wyatt takes a morning nap

5. Mom eats Bon Bons for 15 minutes

6. 10am Jonah and Sam wake up

7. 10-1130- Mom entertains the twins so that they forget how hungry they really are

8. 11:30 am- Repeat #1 followed by #2 for Jonah and Sam

9. 12:30 pm Wyatt wakes up and eats lunch

10. 1pm repeat #3

11. 2pm repeat #6 and #7

12. 3:30 pm Everyone eats again (Wyatt has a snack)

13. 4pm Jonah and Sam repeat #2

14. 4-5 pm Mom frantically tries to pull something together for dinner while Wyatt begins to slowly lose his grip on reality

15. 5-6 pm John, Wyatt, and Mom eat whilst trying to ignore the frantic screams for food/attention in the background

16. 6-7 pm Everyone eats, burps, gets a bath, gets changed, and goes to bed for the night

17. 7-930 pm Re-claim the house and all of our belongings, do laundry, clean, and plan the next day’s events

18. 930-1030 pm John and I speak for the first time all day in full sentences

19. 1030-1100 pm John and I get ready and go to bed

Therefore, you can imagine how AMAZING it actually was to realize that we were out of diet coke (obviously a staple at our house due to the previously mentioned schedule) at 2pm today and decide to load everyone up and go to Costco without even a moments notice. Even more amazing was the fact that nobody cried, not even once! I guess that there is a light at the end of the tunnel…..or at least a Diet Coke!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Jumping Around

I got out the exersaucer today for Jonah and he LOVES it!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Home Sweet Home

We made it back home in one peice. The ride was a little rough today, but it could have been worse too! The boys were so happy to be out of their carseats that they would have danced if they could! Wyatt burned off all of his extra energy by playing in the sprinklers and Jonah and Sam played under their piano for quite a while. We had a great trip to was sad to leave!

Monday, May 28, 2007

The Beach

Here are few of my favorite pictures from the other day at the beach! (The first one is my absolute favorite!!!!)

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Stop and Smell the Flowers

Remember what it was like to.....

Smell a lilac bush for the very first time?

Walk barefoot in the sand at the beach for the first time?

Hear the waves on the shore of Lake Michigan as they wash over your toes for the first time?

Giggle when you meet your Great Grandma for the first time?

We were lucky enough to see our boys do all of these things today and it is truly beyond words how privileged I feel to be a part of their lives!

Michigan Day 7

We were not so lucky on the weather front today. We woke up to high winds and rain that continued on and off almost all day. It got pretty cold here too! I don't think that I packed enough warm clothes for me and the boys...what was I thinking? The boys got to spend some time with Triston today and they enjoyed Grandma and Grandpa's attention as well.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Michigan Day 6- Grand Haven

Today we made the trip to Grand Haven. We stopped in Lansing and visited some old friends and drove through the MSU campus. We told the boys that we were visiting the spot where Mom and Dad met for the first time, but they weren't impressed! I didn't have a picture of the boys from today, but I did take a picture from the back porch as the sun was going down.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Michigan Day 5

Today was our last full day in Farmington. Tomorrow morning we are going to Grand Haven to see the Rodgers side of the family. We got to enjoy yet another perfect day of Michigan weather. Wyatt is at this cute stage where he wants to imitate everything that we do... from pushing a baby stroller to mowing the lawn. I love how he concentrates so hard to make sure that he is doing everything exactly like the adults. I want to freeze him and keep him at this age forever! Too cute!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Michigan Day 4

We enjoyed a BEAUTIFUL sunny day relaxing outside.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Michigan Day 3- Telephones

The obsession with telephones has officially become a disease with Wyatt. Mom and Dad must seriously have 11 telephones in their house and they are all conveniently located on short end tables that are the perfect height for Wyatt. Not surprisingly, he has figured out how to push this one button on the base of one of the phones that pages all of the phones in the house at the same time so they all start ringing at once! He is constantly walking around with 1 phone in each hand and his cell phone from uncle Aaron is never far away. I don't even think that I would mind all of the ringing if Wyatt would actually TALK into one of the million phones that he has up to his mouth all day long!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Michigan Day 2

Although it was never what I would call "hot" today, we did have some sunny weather and spent a lot of the day outside. Grandpa was pooped and was asleep by 9pm tonight! He is taking Wyatt for a haircut at the corner barber tomorrow morning. Here are some pictures from today!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

In Michigan

We made it to Michigan. God I missed the drivers here! The boys did pretty well in the car...not too much screaming. We stopped at a Michigan Welcome Center for a milk break and Wyatt played on a playground that was amazing and had tons of stuff to do. It was seriously nicer than the parks that we visit near our house. Everyone was a little off schedule for the rest of the day, but I'm hoping that tomorrow we will be back on track. John is working and will come to Michigan on Thursday for a long weekend. I wonder how much he is missing all of the noise right about now?!?! I took some cute pictures of Wyatt enjoying the window view during bath time at Grandma and Grandpa's house. He waves to everyone that drives he flashes them!

Saturday, May 19, 2007


It looks like the boys are already starting to fight over the same toy....Sheesh!

Friday, May 18, 2007

No Boys Allowed!

Wyatt has me stumped! Today he figured out how to open all of our child-proof locks. He opens the cupboard a little, reaches in, lifts up on the safety lock, and then opens the cupboard all of the way. I guess that I am not too surprised that he figured this out since he watches EVERYTHING that John and I do and imitates us like a little parrot. He absolutely MUST put on hand lotion every time that we do (even though he has no idea what it is for) and vigorously rubs his hands together. He likes to take the memory card out of my camera and stick it in the computer to bring up all of my recent pictures. Today I found a bunch of paper plates in the paper plate drawer that Wyatt had taken out of the garbage and put away for me! We have to be prepared for surprises around every corner. But, in spite of all of the spiritedness, he still loves to look at his Mommy!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

My Baby Sunshine

Guess who looks good in yellow?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Spray N Wash

Thank God Spray N Wash works!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

My Secret

I guess that my deodorant isn't strong enough for a toddler!

Here's Jonah fed, bathed, and ready for bed tonight.


How cute are they?

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

We had a great Mother's Day! I slept in until 10 am!!!! Then I opened a homemade card from the boys and my new camera flash.We ate donuts and played outside. The weather was perfect....actually the day was perfect!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Swinging around

Check out Wyatt's new swing that Dad constructed in the garage.

Friday, May 11, 2007


It seems like the boys are starting to notice each other lately. Sammy seems a little more interested in Jonah than Jonah does him, but it is cute to see them checking each other out. I also feel a little bad for Wyatt that he doesn't have a buddy the exact same age as him.

Working hard

Play is hard work!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Counting by 3's


30 toenails were cut
30 fingernails were cut
3 baths were given
13 diapers were changed (3 poopy)
3 loads of laundry were washed
333 times I had to say "no sticking your fingers in your brother's mouths!"

The Greeter

One of Wyatt's favorite things to do during the day is sit on the front steps and watch the school bus drop off kids at the bus stop and wave to everyone as they walk past our house on their way home.

Monday, May 07, 2007

The traveller

I know that he's only 4 months, but Jonah can move! That boy always seems to creep off of his blanket using a combination of pushing with his feet and arching his back. I can't take my eyes off of him for a second.