Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Confessions from the Tooth Fairy

People are losing teeth around here left and right. I can't keep track of who is missing which teeth and who has how many loose ones and how many "really loose ones". The tooth fairy can barely keep up and stop in to deliver her money. She has forgotten about the drop off quite a few times....once two nights in a row. That caused a lot of tears!

You might think that the tooth fairy would be running out of money. If you were paying attention, though, you might notice that the tooth fairy brings everybody the same thing... 2-1976 silver half dollar coins. She actually brings everybody the EXACT SAME thing....the same 2 coins recycled over and over again.

It turns out that after 2 days or so the novelty of the tooth fairy money wears off and people leave it laying around. The tooth fairy gets nervous when money is left down where a wandering three year old can get it and eat it, so she flies in, picks it up, and takes it back to her money stockpile.

The stockpile consists of 2- 1976 silver half dollar coins....that's it! I know it's shocking! She's so thrifty isn't she?

I wonder what the tooth fairy is going to do if 2 people lose teeth on the same night?!?!?