Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Personal Shopper

My friend Bethany called me this morning and asked me if I needed anything from the grocery store since she knew that Wyatt was sick. I had a whole list of things that I needed since I was going to make Chicken Tortilla Soup for dinner. She bought me a whole boatload of groceries and delivered them to my house before lunchtime! It was so thoughtful and I was so grateful! I wonder if this is what celebrities feel like?!?! My little man is feeling a bit better but still not back to 100%. We had a funny conversation today...
Wyatt: "Mommy, are you in charge or am I in charge?"
Me: "I'm in charge Wyatt".
Wyatt: "You're in charge?"
Me: "Yes".
Wyatt: "Ok".

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Hot Zone

Wyatt is being treated for strep throat. He has already had 2 doses of antibiotics and is not feeling much better, but maybe tomorrow will be different. It's amazing how fast kids can go from being full of energy with a sparky little personality to being incredibly sick! Even today Wyatt had about 1 hour that he started feeling pretty good, so he spent it running around the house in circles and jumping off of the couch until he felt terrible again. I thought that maybe he would want to be low key and feel good doing something relaxing, but that is not how the almost-three-year-old mind works apparently! The kids all started a spitting contest today until I literally almost had to tape everyone's mouths shut, but that's a whole other story. Also, don't even get me started on the list of things that Wyatt licked today at the doctor's office or I might have an aneurysm (but it ended with him licking the bottom of his shoes after we left the pediatrician's office in front of a policeman)! So we are over here in the hot zone waiting to see what fun disease Wyatt will spread to us all next! Feel free to visit anytime....just don't forget your isolation suits!

Dirt Party

Today John and Wyatt went to a Dirt Party. One of our friends (who also has twins and a single kid all boys too) owns a landscape supply company and they invited a bunch of kids and Dads to come over to their business and play in the dirt and ride the landscape tractors. John said that Wyatt had fun and was cleaner than all of the other kids. Unfortunately, tonight Wyatt is running a fever of 103 and feeling really rotten. He has already been up two times tonight and I have a feeling that I will be seeing him again.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Getting Ready

It's hard to believe that Wyatt will be 3 years old one week from today! We haven't talked to him about turning three yet. It is sneaking up on us so fast. We have a lot to get ready for this week!

Friday, September 26, 2008

We're Joining the Club

We are officially turning in our cool parent status and joining the ranks most big families in preparing to purchase a mini van! We have fought it tooth and nail, but it seems like a minivan is probably the most convenient vehicle for a family of 6! Now we are looking at different manufacturers and options on both Honda and Toyota minivans! I told John that I will drive a minivan, but I absolutely refuse to drive one that is the new purple color. I have standards
people! In other news, Wyatt is sick. He has a virus that is making his throat look like aliens have landed in there! It is very gross! Motrin keeps him feeling pretty decent, but it has been a tough week for us all. The whining is incredible!


Wednesday, September 24, 2008


John and I had a much needed night out with just the two of us! We got a babysitter and went to see the musical Wicked. It was nice to be alone without the kids. We even managed to talk about subjects other than the kids the whole night! We will have to make it a regular thing...maybe one a month...or even once a week would be nice!!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

First Day Back

The first day back home after going on vacation is always really hard on my kids, but it is even harder on me! The kids are usually tired and crabby and used to getting lots of attention. I didn't leave the house with them today so that they could rest and re-group. In hindsight, it probably wasn't the best idea. They spent the majority of the day in time out! It was rough and I'm hoping that tomorrow goes better!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

North Carolina Day 7- Outdoor Fun

Can you say TIRED?????? We spent the morning getting all the kids good and tired and ready for the LONG trip back home tomorrow! It should be super fun!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

North Carolina Day 6- The Elevator

One of my favorite movies is Little Miss Sunshine. One of my favorite scenes is when the family leaves a gas station and little Olive gets left behind. The family drives the VW bus back around to get her only they can't slow down because their clutch is shot. So they do a drive by and grab her back up into the van. Today we had a similar little mishap with Sammy at Barnes and Noble. We all (Me, Al, Jackie, Wyatt, Cameron, Jonah and Sammy) rode the elevator down from the 2nd floor to the first floor and got off the elevator. Now Sammy either never got off the elevator, or got off and then got back on the elevator, but either way after the elevator doors closed, he was missing! It was probably only about 20 seconds (even though it felt like 10 minutes) before I realized what happened and pushed the elevator button. The doors opened and Sammy was standing there with a relieved look on his face and he said "Hi"! Boy was I happy to see him! Hopefully the alone time in the elevator will not be something that he remembers for very long!

Bumper Bowling

We took the kids bumper bowling today. It was a big hit!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

North Carolina Day 4- Potty Training Update

Wyatt is still doing really well with potty training. He wore undies during the ride here and never had an accident! He does use having to go pee at night as an excuse to get out of bed, but he is doing really well otherwise. Last night he wore undies to bed instead of a diaper and didn't wet the bed. He told me "I am not going to wear diapers any more. Sammy can have my diapers. They will fit him!"

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

North Carolina Day 3

Tons of fun for everyone today!

Monday, September 15, 2008

North Carolina Days 1-2

Top 6 things that I have learned during my visit to North Carolina in Sept. 2008 so far...

1. 9.5 hours alone in a car with 3 kids under 3 years old is INSANE
2. Listening to music on your i-pod while driving can be the difference between sanity and institutionalization
3. 6:15 am comes early after 9.5 hours alone in a car with 3 kids under age 3
4. 5 kids can fit in a bathtub with room to spare
5. A 2 year old can sleep very comfortably with a vacuum cleaner in their crib
6. A bulb syringe doesn't work to remove a corn kernel from a 1 year-old's nostril, but tweezers do

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Football Perfection


University of Michigan lost

Ohio State University Lost


Michigan State Won

It doesn't get any better than that!!!!!!!!

I leave tomorrow morning with all three kids by myself to North Carolina. It should be about 8 hours without stops. Let's hope that it goes as well as football today!

School Days

My favorite thing about this time of year is the fascination that my kids have with watching the school bus stop at the front of our subdivision. I get about 1/2 hour of free time in the morning and 1/2 hour of free time in the afternoon when they stand waiting to see the bus.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Are you Blind?

I ordered pizza tonight. When the delivery man rang the doorbell all three kids ran to the door to peek out and see who was there. I opened the door and the delivery man said "Are all of these kids yours?" I said "yes". Then he said "What's the age difference?" I said "the little ones are twins". He said "Well, it's a good thing that you gave them different haircuts so that you can tell them apart!"! Ok then.......

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Haircut Tuesday

It rained today for the first time in about a year and a half, so we spent the day inside. I gave the boys all haircuts and they all turned out pretty good.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Build It Like This

Conversation with a future architect

Wyatt: Mom want to play legos?
Me: Ok
Wyatt: Build a bridge
Me: Ok, how do you want me to build it?
Wyatt: Like this! (using these new hand gestures that look like some sort of bug mating ritual)
Me: Like WHAT?!?!?
Wyatt: Like THIS!!! (louder with same hand gestures)
Me: (building a bridge with tunnel access) Like this?
Wyatt: No, LIKE THIS!!!!!! (gesturing madly)
Me: (trying something new with a 90 degree angle) Like this?
Wyatt: Now taller like this! (jumping up)
Me: (building it taller complete with 90 degree angle with more tunnel access) Like this?
Wyatt: (taking my hand) Now Mommy you go away. I want to play all by myself!
Me: Thank you Mommy! (thinking won't he be fun to work for some day?)
Wyatt: Thank you Mommy!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Project #985

John informed me today that he is planning on finishing the basement next week after I take the kids to North Carolina to visit Al and her family. I was a little surprised, but it will be nice to have some extra space. Let's hope that he gets a lot done while we are gone, because I have a feeling that the kids will put a little cramp in his style when we get back!
This is my favorite potty training picture so far!

Potty Training Day 5- Success At Last

Today was our first completely successful day of potty training. Wyatt didn't have any accidents! I am waiting for the other shoe to drop!?!? My goal was to start potty training him now so that he would be potty trained by January so that we could enter him in preschool if we decided. I seriously thought that it might take a few months to get Wyatt out of diapers! Boy am I surprised! I am sure that we will still have accidents now and then, but at least he understands the concept. Next week I may try and take the kids on some outings and see how Wyatt does in public with potty training. Now the bad news... It appears that all three boys have colds and I am not the least bit surprised. We didn't leave the house this week AT ALL so there is no way that the kids were exposed to anything, but I did set up an appointment for them on Monday to get some immunizations and it never fails that they get sick before EVERY well doctor visit! I have had to cancel EVERY appointment that I have set up for well visits for the last YEAR because somebody always got sick and I don't believe in giving them vaccinations when they are fighting off an illness. Needless to day I will be re-scheduling Monday's appointment. Bummer!

Friday, September 05, 2008

Potty Training Day 4

This are going well on the potty front. Yesterday we had 1 accident and 5 hits (1 poop!) and today we had 1 accident and 2 hits. I am impressed with how well things are going. I have been giving Wyatt Zyrtec as needed because he seems to have really bad allergies, so he doesn't use the potty as much if he has had his medicine. I can't believe that Wyatt will be 3 years old in less than 1 month!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Potty Boot Camp Day 2

Today we peed on the floor 2 times and 1 time in the potty. I guess that is called progress, but it really doesn't feel like progress. Maybe tomorrow will be better......

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

My Little Camel

It's kind of hard to get the hang of potty training when you NEVER GO PEE!!!!! Seriously I put undies on Wyatt at 9am and I changed him into a diaper at 12:30 pm (with no pees at all) before he went down for a nap. After he woke up (wet) I put undies on him again at 2pm and he didn't pee until 6:00 pm and that was all over the floor. To his credit though after he peed he made a mad dash for his potty, but it was too late. He peed one more time again on the floor before we put him back into a diaper for bed. I tried to get him to drink a lot of fluids and even gave him juice (which I never do), but he was almost camel-like. Weird! We will try again tomorrow. Is he retaining water in this picture?

Monday, September 01, 2008

All Together Again

Wyatt and John made it home safely today. The boys were all so excited to see each other again. They were hugging each other and laughing...it was really cute! Tomorrow were starting Operation Potty Training! I am not looking forward to it, but I will be thrilled if we are successful! Tonight I talked to Wyatt about what we are doing tomorrow. He said that tomorrow he will not be wearing any more diapers...just undies! We talked about going on the potty, about getting candy if we pee on the potty, and about how he is such a big boy. I am building it up as much as possible! My plan is to put Wyatt in undies after breakfast and set a timer for 45 minutes. Then every 45 minutes he will try and go on the potty. If he goes he will get a piece of candy. We are not planning on leaving the house tomorrow....or the next day...or the day after that.....