Maggie is in heaven with all of the attention.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Neighborhood Watch
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
True Boredom
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Christmas is coming
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The Flood
Anyone that heard or read about our bee infestation a couple of months ago will not be surprised at the latest story about our laundry room. I went upstairs to take a shower this morning and John was in charge of Wyatt (the twins were sleeping). I got out of the shower and went down to the laundry room clad in a towel to grab some clean clothes from the dryer. The turkey was in the laundry tub and water was pouring POURING all over the counter, washing machine, dryer and wood floor coming out of the faucet full force. I started screaming "John are you here? Are you ok? Oh my GOD!" and he came out of the den, on the phone, with Wyatt, and freaked out. Apparently he had put the turkey in the tub, started running the water, walked away, and forgot about it for 20 minutes. The ceiling drywall in the garage is wrecked in one area, but there is no other permanent damage that we know of yet. We have 9 people coming to visit today and we spent all morning cleaning up water, but we are back in business. I have decided that the laundry room is like the 7 plagues from the book of Genesis....Infestation....flood... I am expecting a fire sometime soon! On a different note, we commissioned my Dad to take some family pictures of us today to use for a Christmas card, but the session didn't go well. We are going to try again tomorrow, but I will post the best 2 shots from today.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Coming to Town
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Sam's Tricks
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Finger Food
Last week one of my friends accidentally/on purpose gave Jonah a French fry. She thought that he ate finger food and said that he was reaching for her fries with his mouth open, so she popped one into his mouth. Unfortunately, I have never given either he or Sam any finger foods, so I panicked for a brief second, but Jonah chomped away and ate the fry like a pro. Therefore, when I got home I decided to give the boys the Puffs that melt in their mouth and see how they did with the whole chewing and swallowing thing in a more controlled environment. Jonah couldn't have been happier to eat crunchy food by himself with his fingers, while Sammy couldn't have been any more distressed. Sam cried, gagged, reached in his mouth and pulled out the offending morsel, and writhed around screaming like he was in pain until I gave up. Maybe he is smart enough to realize that if he refuses to eat solid finger food I will hold him on my lap and feed him thereby earning some coveted alone time with Mom. Maybe he really hates finger food. Of all of the kids, Sammy is the one that seems to be most nervous about change....a little more cautious personality, so it may take some time, but we will be there eventually. In the meantime, Jonah will spend his free time parked under Wyatt's high chair patiently waiting for scraps to drop from above earning the nickname "Scrappy" once again.

Monday, November 12, 2007
Bad Hair Day
There are pictures and then there are PICTURES. This is one of the latter…a picture that you look at when your
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Spartans Rule!
•The kids naps are still screwed up from the time change. I am hoping that next week will be better. (I read a weird story today about twins that were born last weekend and the boy twin was born at 1:36 am last Saturday and the girl twin was born at 2:02 am, but the time had changed from Daylight Savings time and so the girl twin was actually born at 1:02 am and was therefore older than her brother! Totally bizarre!)
•Sammy is now sleeping in his crib. He had been sleeping in the swing to help with his breathing, but we practically had to grease his hips to get him into it so it was time.
•Jonah fell asleep standing in his crib today. I am pretty sure that he can’t figure out how to let go, fall down, and go to sleep, so I will have to work on that with him!
•My voice is kinda back, but still froggy! I will be happy when this cold is gone for good!
•Wyatt is going to start taking Flintstone vitamins for kids. I am willing to try anything to avoid having him get!!!!! I am sure that it has nothing to do with the fact that he would lick the floor in every public venue we enter if I let him. Last week he licked the top of a garbage can in a store that we were in (I subsequently used hand sanitizer on his lips….was that wrong?!?)! I swear this is God’s way of torturing me for knowing more than my fair share about microbiology!!! Maybe we should do a muzzle instead of the vitamins!
•Please let me know if you need Type A vacuum bags. I cleaned out our closet and we have about 15 replacement Type A bags and a vacuum that uses Type RR. I am willing to consider a trade…say 15 Type A vacuum bags for 10 large bottles of Purell hand sanitizer!
Friday, November 09, 2007
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Risky Business

Tuesday, November 06, 2007
What Could Be Worse?
That's right! Two spitting babies!!!!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Fake Cry #2
Sunday, November 04, 2007
The Regulator
John and I have a nickname for those trucks on the highway that go really slow when coming up to a construction zone so that nobody can pass. We call them the "regulators"... as in "oh great he is going to be a regulator now" or "I hate regulators". It's as if they can't stand to see anyone get past them and beat them to their destination. Regulators suck! You can imagine my distress then when I realized that Wyatt had become the twins regulator. Of course we don't have any constructions zones (unless you count the kitchen just after breakfast, lunch, or dinner), but Wyatt doesn't let them beat him anywhere. He acts exactly like a truck regulator on the highway..... well not exactly......
Saturday, November 03, 2007
The Fake Cry
Friday, November 02, 2007
Baby Pow Wow
Yesterday the boys had a meeting in Jonah's crib. I'm not sure what the meeting was about, but I suspect it was to plan Jonah's new escape route. This morning when I went to get the boys out of their cribs, Jonah (whom I shall henceforth refer to as Houdini) was STANDING up in his crib holding onto the side and leaning over as far as humanly possible (which is pretty far since the crib was at the highest setting) in an attempt to jump out and free Sammy. After breakfast Houdini spent the morning popping himself out of his Bumbo seat and crawling over to Margo's lap while Wyatt had speech therapy in a feeble attempt distract her so that Wyatt could make a break for her car. Houdini ended up napping in the pack and play today until John got home and lowered the crib which I suspect will just add a new element to his act. If that doesn't work plan B is to get some chains and padlocks, a straight jacket, and a large box!