Anyone that heard or read about our bee infestation a couple of months ago will not be surprised at the latest story about our laundry room. I went upstairs to take a shower this morning and John was in charge of Wyatt (the twins were sleeping). I got out of the shower and went down to the laundry room clad in a towel to grab some clean clothes from the dryer. The turkey was in the laundry tub and water was pouring POURING all over the counter, washing machine, dryer and wood floor coming out of the faucet full force. I started screaming "John are you here? Are you ok? Oh my GOD!" and he came out of the den, on the phone, with Wyatt, and freaked out. Apparently he had put the turkey in the tub, started running the water, walked away, and forgot about it for 20 minutes. The ceiling drywall in the garage is wrecked in one area, but there is no other permanent damage that we know of yet. We have 9 people coming to visit today and we spent all morning cleaning up water, but we are back in business. I have decided that the laundry room is like the 7 plagues from the book of Genesis....Infestation....flood... I am expecting a fire sometime soon! On a different note, we commissioned my Dad to take some family pictures of us today to use for a Christmas card, but the session didn't go well. We are going to try again tomorrow, but I will post the best 2 shots from today.

Oh my gosh, that laundry is a danger zone! You sound so calm about it though.
Happy thanksgiving! I will miss having the turkey
Triston wants to know where Maggie is in the picture? He is part of the family too.
Love Triston
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