Last week one of my friends accidentally/on purpose gave Jonah a French fry. She thought that he ate finger food and said that he was reaching for her fries with his mouth open, so she popped one into his mouth. Unfortunately, I have never given either he or Sam any finger foods, so I panicked for a brief second, but Jonah chomped away and ate the fry like a pro. Therefore, when I got home I decided to give the boys the Puffs that melt in their mouth and see how they did with the whole chewing and swallowing thing in a more controlled environment. Jonah couldn't have been happier to eat crunchy food by himself with his fingers, while Sammy couldn't have been any more distressed. Sam cried, gagged, reached in his mouth and pulled out the offending morsel, and writhed around screaming like he was in pain until I gave up. Maybe he is smart enough to realize that if he refuses to eat solid finger food I will hold him on my lap and feed him thereby earning some coveted alone time with Mom. Maybe he really hates finger food. Of all of the kids, Sammy is the one that seems to be most nervous about change....a little more cautious personality, so it may take some time, but we will be there eventually. In the meantime, Jonah will spend his free time parked under Wyatt's high chair patiently waiting for scraps to drop from above earning the nickname "Scrappy" once again.

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