As of 9:30 am this morning I was already out of ideas as to how to entertain Wyatt! We have had to leave the house every day this week as much for my sanity as the kids. On Monday we went to playgroup. Yesterday we met John for lunch and then went to the library to burn some energy. Today Wyatt woke up on the WRONG side of the crib and nothing went his way all morning. After playing with him, giving him a shower (pure entertainment for him), and trying to get him to take an early morning nap, I realized that nothing was going to work. So, despite the 20 degree air and 40 mile per hour winds, I decided to pack the kids up and head to Toys R Us (all the while repeating "You love your children" over and over again in my head)! We probably spent 2 hours in Toys R Us playing with the train tables, eating lunch, collecting toys, and playing on the battery operated power wheels cars and trucks on display. Apparently Wyatt wants to sell Mary Kay when he grows up because his favorite vehicle was the pink Cadillac!!! John is, of course, thrilled! Toys R Us was the perfect solution for my crabby boy! The rest of the day went much better...especially since I didn't have to clean up the mess from my kids in Toys R US!

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