Here are 10 facts about the boys that are worth mentioning:
1. Sammy has 4 words now "Uh Oh" "Mama" "Bye Bye" and "All Gone"
2. Jonah says "Mama" and can roar like a lion
3. The twins both drink whole milk now
4. Wyatt likes to call Jonah "Jo-nah-nah-nah-nah" and lately "Jonie"
5. Sammy and Wyatt know how to dance sitting down
6. I cut all of the boys hair and recently taught a friend how to cut her boy's hair
7. Wyatt LOVES to vacuum our hardwood floors by himself
8. The twins have started opening and emptying all of my cupboards
9. Wyatt sleeps in a sleep sack every night per his request
10. John and I can bathe, dry, diaper, and dress 3 boys in under 5 minutes flat
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