I spent about 30 minutes tonight doing Wyatt's homework for preschool. Of course I am totally opposed to doing my child's homework in theory, but it becomes necessary under certain circumstances. Like tonight, for example, when I went to pack Wyatt's bag for preschool at 9pm after the boys were all in bed and asleep and found his homework assignment in his preschool bag. It is due tomorrow and I should have had him work on it sometime after it came home last Thursday...clearly Mom's fault! He was supposed to tape, glue, or draw things that he is thankful for on a paper to hang in his classroom. Wyatt is in a Thanksgiving pagent on Thursday evening at his school so all of the parents will get a chance to visit the classrooms and I would have been embarrased if he didn't have his "I am thankful for....." poster hanging in his room. I am sure that we will already be slightly embarrased on Thursday as it is, so I don't need to add insult to injury. I didn't even know about the pagent until last week when one of my friends (who has a kid in the Mon, Wed 3 year old class) said that she thought that the songs that the kids were going to sing for the pagent were really cute. I said What songs? What pagent? Did you get a cd of their songs or something? She said that her daughter has been singing the songs all week and knew all of the words by heart! When I asked Wyatt about the songs, he told me that it was dark in the room where they were singing and he was scared. I have a feeling that his participation on Thursday may be limited! To sum things up....Yes I do my child's homework for him. No I will not be doing homework for all four of my boys in a few years. John will have to help with at least half of it!
Doesn't this look like something that Wyatt could have done?

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