The boys and I spent the morning at the mall and visited the new LL Bean store. We also saw Santa Clause and enjoyed a train ride. The kids were EXTREMELY well behaved (I was shocked too!) and we all had the best time. We didn't get home until after 1pm! Jonah threw a fit (a little Allison in her glory days) of epic proportions and threw his shoes and socks on the floor as we were leaving the mall. No amount of bribery or punishment was going to work to get him to keep the shoes and socks on, so I took him out to the van in his bare feet. We have snow on the ground! You can imagine the looks that I got! I even overheard some girl say onto her cell phone that someone was taking their kid out into the parking lot in their bare feet OMG! I didn't bother to set the record straight! I just assumed that she doesn't have kids yet and will figure it out someday! I promise not to say I told you so either.

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