On Tuesday Shane will be 4 months old. It is amazing how fast the time has gone! He is still an amazing sweet little guy. I have never been around such a pleasant baby. I honestly thought that my other boys were really easy babies, but Shane is 100 times easier! I can honestly say that I have never been frustrated with him at all! With my other kids I can think of several times that I had to let them cry it out or spent hours trying to calm them down, but Shane is just happy to go with the flow. He is my most social baby, rarely cries, and loves to talk to everyone that he sees. Shane loves to watch the boys run around but is especially fond of Wyatt. When he wakes up, he lays in his bed and talks instead of crying and gets a huge ear to ear grin on his face when you finally go in to get him (Wyatt usually races me into Shane's room so that he can be the first one that Shane sees). My favorite thing about him is his little giggle which he has been doing since he was about 9 weeks old. He is ticklish under his chin and on his belly and giggles so hard that he usually gets the hiccups. I am still exclusively nursing him which is a huge surprise to me. I assumed that he would probably be bottle fed since nursing would give the other boys too much unsupervised time to get into trouble, but he is a fantastic nurser and we have a great schedule that doesn't seem to be hard on the kids or me. Honestly I am scared to wean him because I am nervous that his schedule won't be as perfect as it is now if I change anything! I feel like he is growing up way too fast! Today I think that I spotted a tooth starting to poke through and I got all weepy because I really love that toothless smile. I don't know if I am enjoying Shane so much because he was a total surprise or if it's because he is our last baby or even if it is because he is a super sweet smelling perfect little guy! I do know that the past four months has been a whirlwind of activity and craziness that I couldn't ever have imagined in my wildest dreams. But it has also been the most rewarding 4 months I have ever had as a mother and I can't imagine life without baby Shane!

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