Remember last fall when I visited Al and Sammy stuck a piece of corn up his nose and we had to extract it with tweezers? Today we had a repeat of that with an uncooked kernel of popcorn, but I didn't have Al to help me hold him down for the extraction. It was so far up in his sinus cavity that I could barely see it....and I didn't even know what it was until I got it out. Sammy was just in his high chair eating and stuck his finger up his nose and was crying so I looked and saw something WAY up there. He sneezed a million times and it moved down far enough for me to hold it with the tweezers and push down from above with my fingers and out popped a piece of popcorn! I feel like I should wear a Mom tool belt equipped with tools needed for any situation that arises...choking, nose extractions, blood, vomit, and of course poop! Am I the only Mom that would actually get a lot of use out of a tool belt like that?

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