It turns out that Shane is highly allergic to milk and peanuts. The pediatric allergist did a "top 5" skin test on him this afternoon that looked for wheat, milk, peanuts, soy, and egg allergies. Shane was positive for 2 out of 5 or 40% of the top five. Scary!
The test does not give threshold numbers so we still don't know how much of either peanuts or milk he can have before having a reaction. Therefore, foods with milk listed as one of the last ingredients may or may not elicit a reaction from him. The doctor said that this part is mostly trial and error! Ummm right!
Then he wrote me a prescription for an epi pen and taught me how to use it. The doctor said that if we had an epi pen on Friday night when Shane ate the cereal/milk we should have definitely used it. He said that any time the reaction involves the head or mouth the epi pen will stop the reaction. He said that an epi pen is a life saving device! Really scary!
The only good news is that Shane is not allergic to soy so he will be able to drink soy formula and soy milk which means that I will not have to nurse him until he is in high school! Yipee!
Tomorrow I am going to tour another preschool. My secretary must have had her head screwed on backwards when she scheduled the tour today because the cost of the preschool that I toured today was almost as much as a semester at Michigan State! What can I's hard to find good help these days!?!?!?

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