This morning we woke up and got to see two deer in our backyard. They were both bucks (a 7 point and a half rack for those who care) and we all watched them for over 30 minutes. The boys LOVE watching deer and these deer were practically tame. They didn't even run off when Maggie ran outside and walked past one of the deer or when we opened the back door to let her inside.
Deer always seem to show up in our yard on Sundays during hunting season. Lucky for them there is no hunting on Sundays in Pennsylvania. Even if it weren't Sunday I am sure that John wouldn't have tried to shoot the deer with the boys watching. The neighbors would also have been a little angry if a deer ran and died in their backyard. So the "daddy deer went back home to take naps with the other deer". Maybe they will be back next Sunday!
This afternoon we took the kids to an amusement park for their annual Halloween celebration. It was really crowded but the boys had a great time. I was glad that I dressed them in their matching orange coats since it would have been hard to keep track of them in the crowds otherwise! They were exhausted and went to sleep without a fuss so John and I are prepared to enjoy a QUIET evening alone for a nice change!
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