We enjoyed a wonderful Easter Sunday together today!
We filled some buckets with a few outside toys that the boys could all enjoy and hid Easter eggs full of candy throughout the house. Each egg had one of the boys first initial on them so that there was no fighting. The boys LOVED the egg hunt. Wyatt snuck downstairs first this morning while John and I were still sleeping and checked out all of the egg hiding spots, so he had a huge advantage during the actual hunt.
After sneaking around downstairs for how ever long, Wyatt came upstairs with a full report. "Mom, Dad, the Easter bunny came and left us each a bucket full of toys. The boys and I each got a rocket ship, a net, a bug box, a flashlight, and a package of fruit snacks. Shane got a bag of teddy grahams and a fruit snack in his bucket because the bunny knows that he can't have milk. Also, mine is the pink flashlight. And there are eggs hiding all over the house! I found some in the playroom, the kitchen, the den, and the front hallway. But there are not any upstairs. Everybody has their own letter on their egg so that we don't fight. Isn't that great Mom? Let's wake the boys up. I will get Shane and you can get the boys? Ok Mom? Mom, are you awake yet? Let's go find some eggs."
The boys were pumped and they ran around looking for eggs for about 30 minutes. Then they sat down for breakfast and ate CRAP LOADS of candy. I figured that they only get to enjoy candy in the morning once a year, so why fight it?
After that we packed up some lunches and took the boys hiking at a state park about 35 minutes away. The weather was great and the trail was a lot of fun for everyone!
While the boys napped I got in a nice run outside with Maggie. She needs to lose a few pounds so I am starting a running boot camp for me and her. I am hoping to run outside with her at least 3 times a week after the boys are in bed. She was a little tired after 1 loop today, so we will stick with that until her endurance improves.
Tonight we had Keith over and made the traditional Easter dinner of hamburgers on the grill with finger jello for dessert. It was nice and simple, and best of all we didn't heat the house up cooking a ham all day!
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