We have been loving the warm weather so much! I have been making the boys eat almost all of their meals outside at the picnic table for the last week. It is so nice to have a nice clean floor for more than an hour at a time!
John and I have been trying to prioritize all of our projects now that it is spring weather. We have so much to do! The yard work alone would keep us busy for a week straight! Then there is the garage organization since John brought the boat home and we only have so much space. The swing set needs to be stained and so does the deck. We are going to have a garden this year, so that will require some planning and work. John wants to paint Wyatt's room. I want to paint the downstairs bathroom. The list could go on and on! I need to start pulling some all-nighters!
I took the boys to the pool this morning and they are getting so comfortable in the water. It is so much fun to play with them in the pool now. I think that their new life jackets have really helped increase their confidence! Sammy throws toys into the middle of the pool, jumps off the side, and swims out to retrieve the toys without any help from me! Today I was in the middle of the pool with Wyatt and Sam throwing them up in the air and letting them splash back down into the pool. They kept saying "higher, higher!". Finally, Sammy told me that he wanted to go so high that he would hit the ceiling!
It was so warm this weekend that I had to go up in the attic and pull out all of the kids summer clothes. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that I don't have any shorts for Wyatt that are his size. Jonah and Sam are going to wear his shorts from last summer so I am really hoping to strike it big this weekend at my Mothers of Multiples sale and find Wyatt a bunch of summer clothes that will fit without having to get an entire new wardrobe. It is amazing how fast the boys get their clothes dirty this year!
So we are basking in the sun over here and loving all of the new challenges that come with spring and summer weather. I am especially happy about going coat-less! It probably saves me about 20 minutes a day, not having to find and put on anybody's coats! Now if the boys could just go around naked I think that I could save myself a whole hour!
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