Deb, one of the instructors at my gym, owns a farm a few miles from our house. She has been inviting me to bring the boys and check out her farm animals and go fishing in their pond all summer.
We finally went and checked it out last weekend. It was a boys paradise.... 70 acres, tractors, chickens, a four wheeler, a golf cart, a pond, and fishing!
Deb showed the boys how to collect eggs in her fancy Amish made "chicken condo". They were fascinated with the ramps in the condo and wanted to go inside with the chickens to get a better look. We had to convince them that it was a little dirty inside and probably not the best place for 3 little boys!
Meanwhile, John secured a great hunting spot on the farm after talking to Deb's husband, George, for all of 2 seconds.
Then we headed over to the pond and caught some blue gills and bass. John said that the blue gills were ENORMOUS. I was just happy that the kids were catching fish!
I packed a lunch and set up a picnic blanket and food along side of the pond. I laid on the picnic blanket and relaxed for over and hour. The farm was sooooo quite and peaceful. The weather was perfect and the kids were entertained. It was heavenly! I am ready to sell everything and buy a 70 acre farm in the middle of nowhere now!
Then Deb drove up in her golfcart and the kids went crazy. She offered to take them on a ride and they were gone (all four of them) for about 20 minutes or so!
John and I visited with George. He is a neat guy with a lot of good stories... he kind of reminds me of a young Fred. Then at one point George said "Do your kids know Deb or are they riding all over the place in the golfcart with a perfect stranger?" I told him that they knew her from the gym, but that they would, in fact, ride all over the place in a golfcart with a perfect stranger.
We stopped by the barn on our way out and realized that they own 3 huge John Deere tractors. So, of course each boy had to sit on top of a different tractor and pretend to drive. They were in heaven!
By the time we got home the boys were filthy and exhausted. It was a fun time and now every morning the boys ask to go fishing at Deb's and ride in her golfcart. She may be the best thing next to Santa Clause!
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