If Halloween is any indication of how exited the kids are going to be for Christmas this year.... we are in serious trouble!
The kids have been doing a countdown until Halloween for 2 weeks already.
"Mom, did you know that there are only 11 more days until Halloween?"
"Nine days till Halloween. Nine days till Halloween."
When I asked Sam what he was going to say when he went up to people's houses on Halloween he said "Boo."
I said no, you are going to say trick or treat. He said "No, I'm going to say boo and get candy".
Alrighty then, lets see how that is going to work out.
Yesterday all three boys had Halloween parties at school and came home all sugared up! It was pure craziness! Anybody that says sugar doesn't hype kids up doesn't have three boys!
We have pretty much everything checked off the Halloween checklist....
Selecting the right costume... check
Decorating Halloween cookies... check
Carving pumpkins... check
Hayride... check
Decorating the house.... check
There is only one thing left..... Saying "Boo" and getting our candy!
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