Monday, December 26, 2011
Christmas 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The Show
Jonah and Samuel had their Christmas pageant at school today. They go to a Catholic preschool so they did a pre-K rendition of the birth of Jesus. They have been looking forward to it for weeks and talking about it constantly. So, when I found out the date of their performance and realized that it was the day before we left for Michigan we had to do some serious planning. John ended up taking the day off to see the boys' show and get packed, but Wyatt still had school today and was going to have to miss the performance. He was incredibly disappointed. So, I decided that we would pull Wyatt out of school for an hour or so to come see Jonah and Sam's pageant. How long are these boys going to be excited to attend each other's events anyways? Everybody was thrilled that we would attend the event together as a family!
After we arrived, Wyatt was worried that he wouldn't see the boys from our seats so I suggested that he climb on the bleachers and watch, so he watched the entire performance from the highest perch so that he didn't miss a thing! Too funny!
Jonah and Sam were donkeys. They did such a great job singing we were so proud. After the show the families all enjoyed cookies and milk together and had a visit from Santa! We all enjoyed ourselves and are looking forward to sharing some more special times with family in Michigan tomorrow!
Here is a little bit of their show.......
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Too Much Grinch???
Last weekend I unloaded the last of the boxes from our move. We had 4 LARGE boxes in the dining room full of all of our dishes, china, and crystal. We were going to keep them boxed up until after John painted the dining room (which is painted like a jungle since it was used as a nursery by the previous owners), but the project keeps getting moved to the back burner and we all got sick of walking around the boxes. So, I finally tackled it and spent the entire day last Sunday unwrapping and cleaning our dishes.
At one point Wyatt walked into the dining room and was fascinated by all of our "beautiful glasses and dishes" and I realized that he had never really seen our china before. We have always kept it packed up in the padded protectors safely tucked away in our hutch. We used to use our china and crystal all of the time before kids, but not so much lately.
So John and I talked about it and decided that we are going to make a big Sunday dinner each week (which we usually already do anyways) and eat in the dining room using our good dishes. We want to make it a special meal that the kids can look forward to each week and give us a nice family tradition as well.
I told the kids about the new plan and they were pumped. I even told them that we can have candles on the table while we eat and that idea was a big hit. They want to put 4 candles on the table and use my candle snuffer (which they found when I was unloading the dining room boxes) to put out the candles after dinner.
I am excited about trying this out with the boys. I can even see it evolving into something more down the road where somebody gets to make dessert or makes special place mats to eat or plans the menu. It will be interesting to see where this goes.
Anyways back to the Grinch.... yesterday we started the ball rolling and John made a sirloin tip roast, mashed potatoes, gravy, and green beans for dinner. The kids kept commenting on how good the meat smelled cooking. They couldn't wait to eat. We are so hungry! Then when we finally sat down to eat Wyatt said, in his most polite voice, "thanks for making this... I really like roast BEAST"!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Fake Christmas
Fake Christmas went well. The kids got up cod (crack of dawn), but we didn't let them start opening until 7:30 am. Then we took a few breaks during opening to let everybody eat or play with their toys for a while. It was nice and relaxed and we ended up dragging it all out until 11 or so! Then we simply had to make lunch and send everybody down for a nap!
Wyatt really enjoyed his digital picture key chain that holds 60 pictures. We uploaded his favorites and he carries it everywhere! Who knew that Santa could score so big on $10?!?!?!?
The kids also liked their mini staplers and mini pillow pets. Small stuff seems so cute when you are part of a big family with big stuff! I remember those days myself!
Shane loved his alligator rocker from Grandma! He is quite the daredevil on it!
I still have lots of stories to share, but this Mommy is off to bed! Christmas is tiring for everybody...not just the kids!!!!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Fake Christmas eve
Here we are on fake Christmas eve 2011. It seems like yesterday that we were preparing for fake Christmas eve 2010! We had a nice day together. John had a vacation day and was able to pick up the kids from school with me...which they loved! We did a bit of shopping with Shane and enjoyed our time alone with our baby. He is such a fun happy little guy! I can't imagine how we ever got so lucky with him! I often say that if Shane was born first I would have sent all of our other kids back! I'm kidding sort of...
Anyways we took Shane to an old fashioned bulk candy store that I have been wanting to check out for a while and it was really fun! They had lots of different kinds of candy that I haven't seen in years including tons of gummies...they even had gummy fried eggs! We got some Amish popcorn and bulk oats and that was it, but it sure would be a fun place to visit with all of the kids! Shane ended up with a 10 cent price of laffy taffy and was happy for the rest of the day! Wyatt would have had the entire cart filled to the rim!
Later we took the kids out for pizza at our new favorite pizza joint. It's great pizza and loud so the kids blend right in. We ordered 2-14 inch pizzas for me John and the kids and there seriously wasn't a single piece left when we were done. The waiter was seriously shocked! Wow I haven't seen anyone eat that much pizza in a while. Yeah, you haven't met Sam then have you?
After we got home we sprinkled out our reindeer food out in the yard so that the reindeer would find our house. Then we showered and read the night before Christmas and the Christmas story (the golden book version of the gospel of Luke). Finally we set out cookies and milk for Santa and headed to bed.....the kids that is. John and I still have tons of work to do! Lets hope that we get to bed before the kids are up for the morning. Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Teachers Galore
It is such a blessing that the kids are surrounded by fantastic teachers this school year. However, between the kids regular teachers, aides, and speech therapists we have 10 teachers that we are giving gifts to this year. Everyone is getting a jar of homemade jam and a loaf of bread and one of these little guys....
It's a good thing that I paid attention in grad school when John and I were living next door to Fred and living off the land or we would go broke this Christmas!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
T Minus 5
Ok, we have truly been swamped here lately! Fake Christmas is in 5 days and we are racing to get everything done before then! Wyatt has actually figured out that our Christmas is not on Dec 25, but we told him that we asked Santa to come early so that we can go to Michigan and not miss anything. He seemed alright with that, and if he buys it the the other kids are sold!
We had 3 different Christmas programs last week and one more coming up next week! I have been practicing songs and hand movements with everybody so that they knew what to do at performance time. So far it went smoothly except at church. Jonah and Sam were up front singing their songs (which Shane has been practicing as well) and Shane decided to hop right up there along side his brothers and join them. The director didn't realize that he didn't belong and handed him some bells to ring and he was thrilled! It worked out fine and the boys couldn't stop talking about how Shane crashed their performance...they thought that it was hysterical!
Today after picking everybody up from school the kids wanted to drive around the lake and see if there were any ice fisherman, so we checked it out. No ice yet, but the kids sure are looking forward to trying out some ice fishing this winter! That should make for some good stories!
Then on the way home from the lake I overheard the kids talking about next year. "What do you think that Mom is going to do next year when Shane is in school?" (2 hours 2 x per much free time huh?)
Then I heard Sam say "Guys, I know, Mom is going to make cookies every day for us for when we get home from school!" What an idealist!
Sunday, December 04, 2011
Early Riser
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Family Day
Wyatt had Family Day at his school last week. This involved parents and no siblings and was held at 1:30 pm on a Wednesday...clearly a tall order at our house. Luckily my parents were visiting for Thanksgiving and were able to watch the other boys so that John and I could attend together. Wyatt showed us around his classroom, we checked out his latest artwork,

Saturday, November 26, 2011
As per tradition we put the Christmas tree up today. My brilliant plan last year of separating the ornaments by kid and putting them into tupperware bins with their names on them really paid off today! It reduced the fighting by at least 90% percent! Everyone cheerfully took their bin and proceeded to hang their own ornaments on the bottom two branches of the tree. It was such a pleasant experience. We sang some carols and read some Christmas books and enjoyed time with the peeps. Then they went to bed and Grandma and I moved the kids ornaments from the low branches so that the other 99% of the tree was decorated as well! It was a lot of fun being a part of all of their excitement!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Birthday Party
Sam got invited to a birthday party for a little boy in his class. Since Jonah and Sam are in different classes Jonah didn't get invited. I was actually very happy that the kids are getting opportunities to get out and be individuals every once in a while. Jonah wasn't in agreement, but I opted to let Sam go to the party by himself and he was pumped!
Tonight I took him to the birthday party which was at a bounce house place and I was a little worried that he might not feel comfortable playing at a new place all by himself. My fears were short lived, however, when Sam said "Ok, bye Mom. I see Joe and I am going to play with him!" and he ran off. He played for 2 more hours without even needing to check in with me. He had such a great time! Then as we were leaving he said (completely unprompted) "Good bye Joe. Thanks for inviting me, I had a great time. Happy birthday!"
I can not even begin to explain how different (and fun) it is to take Sam to a birthday party versus Wyatt! Wyatt is clingy and shy and needs constant encouragement to put himself out there. After Wyatt goes to a birthday party I am exhausted! It is so much work for me to take him to a birthday party that I don't even tell him about the invitations if I can get away with it!
Sam is like Wyatt's social polar opposite! It is so interesting to watch your own family dynamics develop as the kids get older. I suspect that Jonah would be more like Wyatt alone at a birthday party, but Shane may end up being a little Sam! We will see... They all have different strengths and Sam is certainly a little social butterfly!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Im Back
It has been a while since my last post and so much has been happening around here! I need to document our milestones or they will be gone forever from my memory. My favorite phrase lately is "I used to be smart and be able to remember things...and then I had kids"!
Jonah lost his first tooth last week. He was really thrilled and Sam is incredible jealous. Sam and Shane keep wiggling their teeth to see if any have become loose. I was surprised that he already lost a tooth and he isn't even 5 years old yet, but his teeth came in early just like Wyatt's, so the tooth fairy is armed and ready!
Shane had his first dentist appointment last week. He was so stinking cute sitting up in the big chair all by himself. I can't believe that I actually forgot to take a picture of him!
But here's a cute one of him and Wyatt on a rare morning when only the two of them were home alone with Mommy!
Monday, November 07, 2011
School Pictures 2011
So, Wyatt got his school pictures back and they turned out... kinda! John and I tried to keep a straight face when we saw them and suppressed the urge to ask "Why? Why did you make that particular face? Especially when we have never seen that face at home....ever! He was so proud of them and I didn't want to burst his bubble. On the actual school picture day Wyatt came home and told us "Mom, I must have done really good at the picture day because I got something special from the camera man that nobody else got! Do you want to know what it is? It's very own comb! Can you believe how good I did?"
The innocence... it's priceless!
The innocence... it's priceless!

Sunday, November 06, 2011
The Forest
The kids have been enjoying playing in the woods behind our house lately. They haul shovels, rakes, and buckets out of the shed and dig for worms, rocks, and "dinosaur bones" all the live long day. The problem is that up until recently they were doing all of their digging in our neighbors yard. His wooded area is a lot more cleared out and the kids preferred to play there rather than in our woods.
So, this weekend John and I decided to clear out an area in the woods for the kids to play and dig that was officially on our property. We used all of our cutting tools and made a clearing and then a path back into the woods. We gave them a tour and gave them some ground rules and cut them loose.
They were in the woods for 5 hours today! They didn't even come in for lunch or naps! It was amazing. After an hour or so I went back to check on them and they had dug up huge rocks, put them in a circle, and built a fire pit. Then they broke up sticks and put them inside the fire ring in a perfect boy scout pyramid! (They rearranged things in between my first visit and when I snapped this picture with my cell phone) They told me that everyone had a job and they were using teamwork to get it all done!

After I picked my chin up off the ground I made my way back to the house and got a ton of housework done! I am loving the way that the kids are learning to play outside by themselves and I don't have to be worried about them getting hit by cars all of the time! I can not believe that we are at that point now! A few years ago it felt like I would be trapped in kid playland forever! "Watch me Mom!" "Look at ME!" "Mom, Why aren't you watching me?" "Hey here I am!"
Now I can get some stuff done while they are awake! Holy cow we have turned a corner! We are in good shape as long as the kids don't find some matches.....
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Professional Development
Last week was professional development day for all of the teachers in Wisconsin which meant that the kids only went to school on Monday and part of the day of Tuesday. I was really relieved to get a break from all of the driving, but I forgot how much work it is to have everybody home all day.
Since the kids were born I have planned a morning activity every day of their lives. Our days flow better (read: Mommy stays sane) if we leave the house in the morning and get our energy out elsewhere. When Wyatt started preschool a few years ago I still even planned morning activities for the other three kids. It was super challenging when Shane was still on the two nap schedule and had to sleep through all of the stuff that we did. He learned to sleep through anything though and it all worked!
After we moved here and the kids were out of the house every morning I quit feeling pressure to get out of the house with them in the mornings. Now when everybody is at school (2.5 hours) Shane tags along with me in whatever I do. If we stay home he plays with me or by himself (not so much) and doesn't drive me crazy acting like a caged animal that needs to be exercised. If I go to the gym he plays in the child care area without issue. If we go shopping he keeps me company and helps find stuff that we need at the store. We still try and fit in a ton of stuff in the mornings, but leaving the house is optional.

This week things were different.
The kids woke up on Wednesday morning with big expectations. "What are we going to do Mom?" "Where are we going?" Hmmmm... didn't see that one coming! I thought that the kids would enjoy a leisurely morning hanging out at home and not needing to rush off somewhere. Yeah...not so much!

We checked out all of the local parks, the local swimming pools, a candy store, a hayride, and tons of other activities...all packed into three short days! I feel like I am a certified expert on the local attractions in our area now! Maybe that could be my part time job next year when Shane is in preschool a few days per week... Certified Kid Activity Planner Extraordinaire! I have the resume to back it up that's for sure!

Since the kids were born I have planned a morning activity every day of their lives. Our days flow better (read: Mommy stays sane) if we leave the house in the morning and get our energy out elsewhere. When Wyatt started preschool a few years ago I still even planned morning activities for the other three kids. It was super challenging when Shane was still on the two nap schedule and had to sleep through all of the stuff that we did. He learned to sleep through anything though and it all worked!
After we moved here and the kids were out of the house every morning I quit feeling pressure to get out of the house with them in the mornings. Now when everybody is at school (2.5 hours) Shane tags along with me in whatever I do. If we stay home he plays with me or by himself (not so much) and doesn't drive me crazy acting like a caged animal that needs to be exercised. If I go to the gym he plays in the child care area without issue. If we go shopping he keeps me company and helps find stuff that we need at the store. We still try and fit in a ton of stuff in the mornings, but leaving the house is optional.

This week things were different.
The kids woke up on Wednesday morning with big expectations. "What are we going to do Mom?" "Where are we going?" Hmmmm... didn't see that one coming! I thought that the kids would enjoy a leisurely morning hanging out at home and not needing to rush off somewhere. Yeah...not so much!

We checked out all of the local parks, the local swimming pools, a candy store, a hayride, and tons of other activities...all packed into three short days! I feel like I am a certified expert on the local attractions in our area now! Maybe that could be my part time job next year when Shane is in preschool a few days per week... Certified Kid Activity Planner Extraordinaire! I have the resume to back it up that's for sure!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Apples and School Rewards
It seems like forever since I wrote a blog post. The days are so busy that they are flying by at the speed of light! I need to find a sliver of time each day to blog about our life or I will not remember what we did by the end of the month.
We have a reward system in place to encourage good listening in school. If everybody has a good week of listening at school then we do a special activity on Friday afternoon. It has really helped the kids have something to work towards and look forward to each week. For the last two weeks we have gone apple picking as our good listening week reward.
The apple orchard that we have been visiting is fairly small but the kids love picking. We have to drag the kids kicking and screaming to the van when we have enough apples because they don't want to leave...ever! But there are only so many apples that one family needs each week!

I actually went out and bought a food mill since I make so much applesauce lately. It saves me so much time since I don't have to peel the apples ahead of time and cook them with the skins on. Then I run them through the food mill and it separates the skins! I can fill a 16 quart stockpot to the top with apples and make applesauce and it will be gone in 2 days....seriously!
Last week as we were leaving the apple orchard the owner asked if we would be back again next Friday! I guess that we are starting to develop a habit and the owner has started to notice! If the kids have a good week at school then I suspect that we will be eating applesauce again real soon!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Grandma and Grandpa left this afternoon. I drove them back to the ferry and John stayed home with the kids and got everyone to take naps. He said that the boys were super sad to see Grandma and Grandpa leave. We all were!
We had a fun weekend and even managed to get a lot of our home improvement projects accomplished!
We got the hot tub working.. and identified some of the problem areas. The kids loved our new "baby swimming pool"!
We got some serious bush trimming done! I thought that I was almost done yesterday, but ended up trimming another 15 spirea today! Mom helped me attack some bushes that were SERIOUSLY at least 8 feet overgrown on all sides. It took us 3 hours to get those 4 bushes cut! I need a gardener. I keep saying that I feel like I am living in the book The Secret Garden... where I find new things every time that I start to weed and trim! Oh, look some more landscape lights! Holy cow underground sprinkling!
We ate outside every day and enjoyed the wonderful warm weather too! It couldn't have been more perfect!
Thanks Mom and Dad we cant wait to see you again soon!
Thursday, October 06, 2011
A Warning
Grandma and Grandpa (my parents) are coming for a visit this weekend. They will be our first official house guests in our new house. We are really excited!
However there are a few things that they need to know....
1. The refrigerator is still in the dining room and you have to go through the family room and front hall each and every time that you need to get something cold. It's super fun! It will be moved back after the tile gets sealed and cabinets replaced! Soon hopefully.......
2. The playroom doubles as the guest room, so it may get a little noisy in there at around 6 am. Remember to bring earplugs.
3. We are prepared to assign home improvement projects to anyone that offers to help.
4. There are potties and choo choo undies everywhere. Also you can not laugh if Shane gets mad about something, grabs his potty under his arm, and marches off in a huff!
5. It's been a while so you may get a "little" extra attention from the boys this visit!
We can't wait!
The pictures above are from a visit to a farmer down the road who had a wagon full of pumpkins. There was a tin can sitting on top of the wagon to pay for your pumpkins. $1 for little, $2 for medium, and $3 for big ones. As we were picking our pumpkins this afternoon the farmer came over and told me to take a few extras. Then he helped me load them all into the back of the truck . All in all I think that we ended up with 8 pumpkins for $5! Not bad for a bunch of city folk huh?
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
6 Years Old!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Getting Close
Friday, September 23, 2011
School Milestones
This week we have had some major developments on the school front for Jonah and Sam. I was initially pleased with my choice for Jonah and Sam's preschool. The teacher was warm and fuzzy, it was close, the class size was small, and the boys seemed to like it. But after a few weeks I realized that they were the only kids in their class that had already completed one year of preschool. They were in class with a bunch of first-time preschoolers so the expectations were lower than I was comfortable with. They spent time learning to share, follow directions, and cooperate...great lessons! But, we covered that last year! The boys left their last year of preschool knowing their letters, numbers, colors, how to write their names, and were starting letter sounds and writing small words phonetically. I decided to start shopping around for preschools again. Uggggghhhh!
Fortunately, I found a school that seemed like a perfect fit for the boys. It is a pre-K program not a 4-year old program. That makes a big difference in the expectations let me tell you! The best thing is that the new school has 2 different pre-K classes that are right across the hall from each other. So, we decided to split up the boys for preschool. It was a difficult decision and I actually lost sleep over it, but I am convinced that it is the best move for the boys! They both have speech articulation issues and I am hoping that separating them will force them out of their comfort zones and encourage them to step it up in terms of speaking since they don't have a built-in interpreter in the classroom!
They have been enjoying the new school so far and have not made a big deal AT ALL about having separate classrooms, so we are thrilled! Both of their teachers reported that when they saw each other on the playground they embraced and hugged each other like they hadn't seen each other for years!
Jonah and Sam have to arrive at school between 7:30 - 7:45 am so we have to leave the house at about 7:15 am! Wyatt gets dropped off at 7:45 am and then Shane and I have a few hours together to chill (yeah right!)! The mornings are bustling with activity around here now!
So far I drop off Jonah and Sam at 7:30 am on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and then drop Wyatt off at 7:45 every day. Then I pick up Jonah and Sam at 11am and then pick Wyatt up at 3pm.
And on Tuesday Jonah and Sam go to speech for 1 hour at Wyatt's school.
That's a lot of driving!
So, imagine my surprise when I had an IEP yesterday and the boy's speech therapist recommended additional therapy. More intensive speech therapy more often! Uggggh! Now Jonah is supposed to attend a class on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for 2 1/2 hours that is a very intensive speech class run by two speech pathologists. This class is at Wyatt's school, but starts 45 minutes after Wyatt's class starts UGGGGHHH! Plus the therapist wants to meet with Sam 2 times per week instead of one time. Not to mention Shane is starting speech therapy too, but his speech therapy will take place at our house since he is younger than three years old. Yet I am finding it hard to find a time for the therapist to come when we will be home and not be driving up to pick somebody up from somewhere!
Additionally, since Jonah will be in class (preschool + speech) every morning of the week now I am thinking about having Sam go to his preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays too so that Jonah isn't upset that he has to go to school and Sam doesn' even things out! Fortunately the boys new preschool offers a five day per week option!
Every week Wyatt brings home papers and forms for different programs and activities that are open to kindergarteners. Can you imagine? Even if I had time to drive Wyatt to an activity we are so exhausted from all of the driving around and schedules that when we are done with school we need serious down time! I can't imagine that we will be ready for any after school activities for a few years either because next year Jonah and Sam will be in Kindergarten and come home exhausted and crabby too! Then a few years later we will go through the same thing with Shane!
This weekend I am going to sit down with a huge poster board and try and figure out the logistics of our schedule for the next two weeks! I can't believe that we are this booked up and the boys are not even in any extracurricular activities! It is amazing how fast it happens... one minute I am figuring out how to fill up all of our free time and the next I am trying to squeeze in 30 minutes of play time before bed! The thought of homework makes me shiver! I can't even imagine what I am going to do when the boys start to bring home homework! I thought that this parenting gig was supposed to be getting easier as they got older?!?!?
Monday, September 19, 2011
Kids Quarry
Yesterday we took the boys to a kids day at the local quarry. It is a yearly event where the quarry brings in dozers, cranes, dump trucks, and all kinds of construction equipment and lets kids ride it with the operators. There are all kinds of things to do! They shuttle bused everyone in on school buses since the event is so large! There was one station where kids could take shovels and dig for gemstones. At another station they could use mortar and bricks to create their own wall. Another station simulated a quarry blast. There were 40 or so stations in all! It was absolutely amazing! They expected to make 800 thousand dollars at the event and they donate it all to a childrens cancer charity! My favorite part was when John said "Do you think that Shane will want to ride the bulldozer?". Then Shane took running toward the bulldozer without every looking back until the assistant lifted him into the bulldozer to drive! Uh Yeah he will! Our kids had a great time! After lunch John took Jonah to the bathroom and when he was finished Jonah came running out of the porta potty and tripped and fell on his FACE. He got a puncture cut next to his eyebrow that was bleeding pretty good (as well as some serious road rash on the rest of his face). We had an EMT and a doctor look at it and decided that he probably needed stitches so we had to leave. We took the other kids home and I took Jonah to the local ER where they decided to use surgical glue on his face instead of stitches. So he is all fixed up now. I am hoping that he will not have much of a scar, but we will not know for a while! Who would think that a porta potty could be so dangerous?!?!?
Friday, September 16, 2011
The Stars
I cant believe how quickly the week has flown by! I have been up to my eyeballs in appointments this week...tile cleaner, carpet cleaner, twins speech therapist, Shane's speech therapist, visiting new preschools.... and Shane has been a little under the weather to boot! It has been a tiring week and John was out of town, so I was on my own. But John is home now and things are starting to look up!
Before I forget it is amazing how MANY stars that we can see at night here! I don't know if it is the lack of city lights or being so far up north, but it is beautiful. Last night Shane had a fever and I stepped out onto the deck with him to help him cool off and we were both mesmerized by the stars. It was so sweet staring up at the stars with my little sweaty baby listening to him chatter on and on and I couldn't help but think that we are so lucky.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
A Button Lovers Dream
One of our new neighbors is a pilot and he invited Wyatt to come and check out some little airplanes that he was flying for the day. He volunteers to take kids up on FREE airplane flights to get them excited about flying. Kids need to be at least 8 years old to fly, so Wyatt and Elizabeth (our neighbor's 4 year old daughter) checked out the cockpit instead and did some "pretend" flights. They had a blast! A career as a pilot might be just the thing that Wyatt needs to put his button fetish to good use!

Thursday, September 08, 2011
Saving Money
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
WI- Week 1
It is hard to believe that we have already been in Wisconsin for a whole week! I still wake up in bed and have ABSOLUTELY no idea where I am! Our room is really dark and there are no street lights here so I have been leaving a bathroom light on lately. Maybe I need a night light too just like the kids!
The kids seem to be adjusting fine. They get up before us every day and get Shane out of bed and then they all go and play in the upstairs playroom every morning. It is a nice new morning routine that gives John and I a few extra minutes of sleep! Thanks boys!

So far I have been pleased with the school situation for everyone. I think that we got lucky with the teachers and the location of the schools and it is working out well. I am not so happy with the bus situation, but that is a whole other issue that I have not had time to tackle yet. Wyatt's bus was scheduled to pick him up a 7am for a school start time of 8:05! Yeah right?!?!? So, I have been driving him and picking him up every day.... but I might have time to give the bus company an ear full sometime later this week!
We have about 5 boxes left to unpack. They are mostly full of pictures and stuff to hang on the walls. I have not figured out where I want everything on the walls yet, so I may leave them boxed up for the time being. I am still struggling to get organized, but things are improving. Once we get into a solid morning routine my days will flow better.
The list of house projects keeps growing. As soon as we finish one project we have to add two more to the list! It is fun though getting everything just the way that you want it and I enjoy it. We keep talking about making a Master project list, but so far I think that we are both nervous about how long it might possibly be!
This weekend we un-boxed the basement, vacuumed it out (walls and corners too), organized the pantry, organized the garage (50% of the way) so that we could park all three vehicles inside, fertilized the yard, joined Sam's Club, hung some magnetic boards, ran a gas line to the grill, and about 20 more things that I can't think of right now. No wonder my back is sore?!?!?
This week I promised to take the boys apple picking. I would like to take them swimming somewhere this week too, but I haven't worked out the details yet.

I will try and take some house pictures this week so that I can document how far we have come. It is always a slow process personalizing a house, but exciting too! This house still feels like it belongs to someone else, but we are hoping that we can change that shortly!
The kids have been busy meeting the neighbor kids and we are thrilled with the amount of kids nearby, but we are all still missing Pittsburgh! It will take a while to find good friends like we had in our last house. But we have always been blessed with great neighbors and friends everywhere that we have lived so far and I am sure that Appleton will not be any different!
So we got through week 1 and are excited to see what new and exciting adventures week 2 will bring!
The kids seem to be adjusting fine. They get up before us every day and get Shane out of bed and then they all go and play in the upstairs playroom every morning. It is a nice new morning routine that gives John and I a few extra minutes of sleep! Thanks boys!
So far I have been pleased with the school situation for everyone. I think that we got lucky with the teachers and the location of the schools and it is working out well. I am not so happy with the bus situation, but that is a whole other issue that I have not had time to tackle yet. Wyatt's bus was scheduled to pick him up a 7am for a school start time of 8:05! Yeah right?!?!? So, I have been driving him and picking him up every day.... but I might have time to give the bus company an ear full sometime later this week!
We have about 5 boxes left to unpack. They are mostly full of pictures and stuff to hang on the walls. I have not figured out where I want everything on the walls yet, so I may leave them boxed up for the time being. I am still struggling to get organized, but things are improving. Once we get into a solid morning routine my days will flow better.
The list of house projects keeps growing. As soon as we finish one project we have to add two more to the list! It is fun though getting everything just the way that you want it and I enjoy it. We keep talking about making a Master project list, but so far I think that we are both nervous about how long it might possibly be!
This weekend we un-boxed the basement, vacuumed it out (walls and corners too), organized the pantry, organized the garage (50% of the way) so that we could park all three vehicles inside, fertilized the yard, joined Sam's Club, hung some magnetic boards, ran a gas line to the grill, and about 20 more things that I can't think of right now. No wonder my back is sore?!?!?
This week I promised to take the boys apple picking. I would like to take them swimming somewhere this week too, but I haven't worked out the details yet.
I will try and take some house pictures this week so that I can document how far we have come. It is always a slow process personalizing a house, but exciting too! This house still feels like it belongs to someone else, but we are hoping that we can change that shortly!
The kids have been busy meeting the neighbor kids and we are thrilled with the amount of kids nearby, but we are all still missing Pittsburgh! It will take a while to find good friends like we had in our last house. But we have always been blessed with great neighbors and friends everywhere that we have lived so far and I am sure that Appleton will not be any different!
So we got through week 1 and are excited to see what new and exciting adventures week 2 will bring!
Friday, September 02, 2011
1st Day of Kindergarten
It started out a little rocky. Wyatt cried when we dropped him off at school today... "don't LEAVE me here!" "I want to go with you!" "waaaa"!!!
It made it tough for me to have that "first day of kindergarten" mom moment. So, I didn't cry because I was in comfort mode. Then we waved and said goodbye.
Pick up time was totally different. Wyatt had tons of stories about his teacher and his "classfriends". He wants to bring something to school tomorrow to show his teacher. He had a great time! Yipee!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Finding our Routine
Things are still a little chaotic around here. We still have a handful of boxes in the first and second floors, but we are making progress. The unpacking has slowed down a bit because John had to go back to work and the boys all had school orientations yesterday.
Jonah and Sam are enrolled in preschool three days a week. We met their teacher yesterday and their classmates. It's hard to believe but they have 9 kids in their class and they are all boys! Plus there is another set of twins in their class as well! Their teacher wasn't scared off by all of that testosterone so that is positive!
I really liked their teacher at the orientation. She had a whole schedule for us parents and kids. Then when we got done she said "ok, now you have just taken your child through a shortened version of their everyday routine"! It was very well organized.
Today was their first day and it went very smoothly!
We met Wyatt's teacher at his orientation yesterday too! She was very organized and I got a good vibe from her as well. So far things are working out very nicely in terms of the school situation. Yipee!
We have also met some of the neighbor kids. There are three boys across the street. They have twin 6 year olds and a three year old. Across the street on the other side there is a 2 1/2 year old boy. Then next door there is a 4 year old girl. The kids have hit it off with all of them! I am so thrilled!
Tomorrow is the first day of kindergarten! I am thinking that there might be tears....from Wyatt... and maybe Mom too!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Camping out
We are in the new house. We have no furniture yet. The movers will l be delivering everything tomorrow. I can't believe that it is almost over with.....
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Packing up

The truck is being loaded today. Honestly it will be a relief to have everything packed up and gone so that we can have our house back to ourselves even if it is completely empty! The boys have become so used to having strangers in the house that they have no fear of strangers at all anymore! They think that it is normal to have people going through your house every day without notice. If you waked up our driveway the boys would likely invite you in and tell you our entire life story before I even knew that anybody was there.
Yesterday the crew was supposed to be here at 10 am and they finally got here at 1 pm. Then the kids grilled them.... "why were you late? Why didn't you call and tell us you were going to be late? Are you always this late?" Nice!
Jonah called the driver "guy" as in "Guy, what are you doing?" Then they told everybody that we have mice and they are pooping on all of our stuff!
I don't know if they boys will remember this move when they are all grown up, but they seem to be taking it all in. I can't even express how excited we are to see daddy tomorrow and finally all live together again! What a summer we have had!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
For real

What could my week even better? Yes of course, a trip to the emergency room!
Shane was lured off the front steps by his big brothers and fell onto his chin this morning. I took one look at it and realized that he needed stitches, so I put the movers in charge of the dog, meeting the cable people, and directing the third party packers to the deer head for crating and headed off with all 4 boys in tow!
Shane needed 2 stitches and when the doctor began to sew him up a nurse asked to take the kids out so that they didn't have to see. "no, no" I said. "they are going to watch because they had a big part in him being here in the first place!"
You should have seen Sam...he freaked out! "what are you DOING to my baby? Stop that right now! You are hurting him!" Then he plugged his ears so that he didn't have to hear Shane scream.
Good times I tell you!
Shane is such a trooper! He has hardly made a peep about the whole thing. I don't think that it bothers him so much. He is still his little smiley self.
Living In A Box
The packers came today. They are super fast packers and now we have the entire house in boxes except for Wyatt's bedroom and the island in the kitchen. At one point we came upstairs and when we went back downstairs today the packers had packed up the kids shoes! I had to have them open up some boxes so that the boys had shoes to wear to go to the park! They weren't supposed to have the truck loaded until Friday, so I think that somebody may have gone overboard with their estimating. In my opinion we will be completely empty by Thursday morning. It will be interesting since we are supposed to be here until Friday! Maybe we will get a chance to do some camping this month after all!
The sleeping arrangements have been a little strange lately.... Wyatt has taken to sleeping IN the pack n play with Shane. Jonah and Sam are into decorating their bed before they dose off!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
The Edge
It took two days, 2 trips to Home Depot and a little bit of patience, but I finally caught the mouse that has been terrorizing us over the past few days! I am thankful that it was only a mouse bachelor and not an entire mouse family, but I have been dangerously close to jumping off the edge a few times this week. My cup overfloweth!
One of my favorite lines from my favorite movies is from "The Edge" at the end when Anthony Hopkins says....
"We're all put to the test... but it never comes in the form or at the point we would prefer, does it?"
So true Bob, so true!
The upside (if there is one) of having mice is how the kids enjoy telling EVERYONE, even perfect strangers, how we have "mice in our basement and they are pooping on everything"!
Since John has been living in Appleton the kids also enjoy telling people "we have a Daddy too, but he doesn't live with us anymore"! Nice!
You should see the looks that I get from perfect strangers thinking... oh, 4 kids all by herself and mice in her basement! Poor thing! Oh well, I'm just too busy to care right now!
In more pleasant news, Wyatt lost one of his top teeth today! So cute! I love the toothless look! All four boys wrote a note to the tooth fairy tonight. They are so excited. Jonah spent a good ten minutes sitting in front of the hall mirror wiggling his teeth to see if any were loose! They are really into the tooth fairy right now! Luckily she got her hands on some 1971 big silver dollars to leave behind. That tooth fairy... she thinks of everything!

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