It took two days, 2 trips to Home Depot and a little bit of patience, but I finally caught the mouse that has been terrorizing us over the past few days! I am thankful that it was only a mouse bachelor and not an entire mouse family, but I have been dangerously close to jumping off the edge a few times this week. My cup overfloweth!
One of my favorite lines from my favorite movies is from "The Edge" at the end when Anthony Hopkins says....
"We're all put to the test... but it never comes in the form or at the point we would prefer, does it?"
So true Bob, so true!
The upside (if there is one) of having mice is how the kids enjoy telling EVERYONE, even perfect strangers, how we have "mice in our basement and they are pooping on everything"!
Since John has been living in Appleton the kids also enjoy telling people "we have a Daddy too, but he doesn't live with us anymore"! Nice!
You should see the looks that I get from perfect strangers thinking... oh, 4 kids all by herself and mice in her basement! Poor thing! Oh well, I'm just too busy to care right now!
In more pleasant news, Wyatt lost one of his top teeth today! So cute! I love the toothless look! All four boys wrote a note to the tooth fairy tonight. They are so excited. Jonah spent a good ten minutes sitting in front of the hall mirror wiggling his teeth to see if any were loose! They are really into the tooth fairy right now! Luckily she got her hands on some 1971 big silver dollars to leave behind. That tooth fairy... she thinks of everything!

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