We took all four boys to the big Coast Guard Festival fireworks tonight. We took the small aluminum boat down the channel in front of grandma and grandpa's house all the way to downtown Grand Haven and anchored the boat. We actually ended up parking right in front of the hill where the fireworks get shot off. The only boat in front of us was the police boat guarding the channel. It was a prime front row seat with a perfect view. As soon as the fireworks started the kids went nuts! Jonah said "Mom, these are amazing". Sam hooted clapped and cheered the entire time. Shane was terrified and hid on the floor of the boat with a towel over his hear for the first few minutes, but then decided that he liked the fireworks and joined Sam clapping! The kids were so bummed when it ended and want to do it again tomorrow! When we told them that it only happens on the first Saturday in august every year they started crying and saying "we have to wait a whole year?"!
We had a great time together! It is so sad to think that Daddy will be flying back to Appleton tomorrow and we won't see him again for a while. Wyatt told us yesterday that he can't wait to move into our new house. When I asked him why he replied "because I want to live with daddy again so that we can see him every day"! Soon buddy soon!

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