Saturday, November 10, 2007

Spartans Rule!

All was perfect today in the world of college football. Michigan State won and University of Michigan and Ohio State both lost. If I knew the words to the Michigan State fight song I would type a few here, but I can hum a few bars…. Hmmm hmm hm hm hm hmmmmmm fight fight fight team fight, victory for MSU! I feel better now! Some other news from today….

•The kids naps are still screwed up from the time change. I am hoping that next week will be better. (I read a weird story today about twins that were born last weekend and the boy twin was born at 1:36 am last Saturday and the girl twin was born at 2:02 am, but the time had changed from Daylight Savings time and so the girl twin was actually born at 1:02 am and was therefore older than her brother! Totally bizarre!)

•Sammy is now sleeping in his crib. He had been sleeping in the swing to help with his breathing, but we practically had to grease his hips to get him into it so it was time.

•Jonah fell asleep standing in his crib today. I am pretty sure that he can’t figure out how to let go, fall down, and go to sleep, so I will have to work on that with him!

•My voice is kinda back, but still froggy! I will be happy when this cold is gone for good!

•Wyatt is going to start taking Flintstone vitamins for kids. I am willing to try anything to avoid having him get!!!!! I am sure that it has nothing to do with the fact that he would lick the floor in every public venue we enter if I let him. Last week he licked the top of a garbage can in a store that we were in (I subsequently used hand sanitizer on his lips….was that wrong?!?)! I swear this is God’s way of torturing me for knowing more than my fair share about microbiology!!! Maybe we should do a muzzle instead of the vitamins!

•Please let me know if you need Type A vacuum bags. I cleaned out our closet and we have about 15 replacement Type A bags and a vacuum that uses Type RR. I am willing to consider a trade…say 15 Type A vacuum bags for 10 large bottles of Purell hand sanitizer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"On the banks of the Red Cedar . . . "