Thursday, April 09, 2009

Bedtime Stories

This morning Wyatt got up and went downstairs before coming into our room. We didn't even know that he was up yet and I woke up when I heard him coming back up the stairs. I called to him and asked him what he was doing downstairs and he said "smell my mouth doesn't smell like jellybeans at all"!
I am fairly certain that Sammy is double jointed. I am still trying to get him to do some funky hand stuff so that I can get a picture of it. He can cross his index finger at a 90 degree angle across all of his other fingers without touching it! Freaky!
Yesterday the boys left some interior lights on in the van and I had to jump start it. All four kids were loaded in their carseats and I managed to start the van in less than 5 minutes! If that's not impressive....then I don't know what is!

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