Monday, March 01, 2010


John spent all day painting the twins room. He got all of the furniture out of the room, patched all of the holes, taped off all of the trim, painted the room, let it dry, painted it again, removed all of the tape, and put all of the furniture back.

I spent the entire day with the kids! I took the kids out for 3 hours this morning, fed them lunch, came home, sat with them all in Wyatt's room until they fell asleep, threw dinner into the crockpot, packed up Shane, went to Costco and the library, came home, went to visit my friends new baby, came home, ate dinner, and then put the kids to bed.

I don't know who is more tired, me or John!?!?! But I do know that we love the new paint. John wants to paint Wyatt's room next weekend. I don't know if I am ready to do it all over again though....

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