Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hello, Poison Control

I hit a parenting milestone and had to call poison control tonight. The last time I had to call poison control was in college when I accidentally drank some face wash instead of mouthwash during finals week after I had pulled an all-nighter.

This time I caught Wyatt DRINKING zyrtec right out of the bottle after he was supposed to be sleeping in bed. It went something like this...

Me: What is going on? Did you just drink that medicine?
Wyatt: I was smelling it.
Me: But did you DRINK any of it?
Wyatt: Just a little.
Me: How much is a little?
Wyatt: Just this much (holding his fingers inches apart)
In comes Daddy
John: How many times did you swallow?
Wyatt: One time.
John: Did you swallow three times?
Wyatt: No, just two times.
Me: Agggghhhh!
John: Did you pour it in anything?
Wyatt: No.
John: Did you pour it in a cup?
Wyatt: Yes, a spoon.
John: How many times did you fill the spoon?
Wyatt: One time.
John: Did you fill the spoon 5 times?
Wyatt: No, just three times.
Me: Aggghhhh! I'm calling poison control!

Poison Control guy assured me that even in the worst case scenario Wyatt would be fine and actually said "Don't stay up all night staring at him to make sure that he is still breathing in case the poison control guy was wrong.... I am not wrong!". Too funny!

So, we had a talk about how you can go to jail if you take medicine that you are not supposed to take and how Moms and Dads are the only ones that are allowed to give medicine. We also talked about how the poison control people have all of our information on file now and will report it to the police if something like that ever happens again. We tried to scare the bejezzus out of him... I think that it worked.

On the bright side the 9 hour trip home tomorrow will be nice and quiet since Wyatt will be sleeping off the effects of a Zyrtec overdose. It will be nice to be back home tomorrow night where all of our medicines are appropriately locked up in two lockable tool boxes with three digit codes. On a scale of 1 - 10 our house is childproofed to the level of Fort Knox. Can you imagine what our house is going to look like when Wyatt is a teenager? Can you say search lights, motion detectors, and alarms?

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